| | Steve Shultz: Jesus Is Always Coming-- With a Reward! | | You might not normally think of it this way, but rewards are on the way for you ... RIGHT NOW! Rev. 22:12: "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." Jesus talked a great deal about rewards to the people. Now, rather than speak in terms of "What's in it for me," instead, we are allowed and even encouraged to know and understand that Jesus is always coming to us — right now — on this earth — and HIS REWARDS ARE ALWAYS WITH HIM! I want you to realize how much you are helping us get the encouraging Words from the Lord's Heart out — all over the earth - to desperate and discouraged people who need just an encouraging Word to help them keep going. Paul, the Apostle, addressed God's reward-giving promises to those who give into the work of the ministry. Here's what Paul said... and this quote has always amazed me. True Story... Apostle Paul, Philippians 4:17: "I mention this not because I'm requesting a gift, but so that the fruit of your generosity MAY BRING YOU ABUNDANT REWARD." Paul truly wanted the givers to his ministry to benefit by their giving by receiving an ABUNDANT REWARD FROM GOD — NOW, AT THIS TIME. This is how Derene and I feel. We want God's great reward to be lavished on you for your giving to this ministry. Now— unlike Paul, I must be honest that we DO in fact need your giving to keep this ministry going. So... Thank you in advance for your amazing generosity! Look what you did, by the way. Do you see the amazing television interviews we are getting for ELIJAHStreams? Kat Kerr, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, to show you just a very few. Air Time is being negotiated now and we have about 6 more TV interviews already scheduled. Be sure to stay tuned and watch for it as we stream these out to you. We're letting you know by email as these become available to you. "I believe Elijah List Ministries is the 'Paul Revere' of the future for this nation!" — Chuck D. Pierce, Glory of Zion International, Inc., Global Harvest Ministries | These programs will ALWAYS be free for you to watch online and you'll be able to see them on major networks coming soon! And you will always be blessed by the amazing content by these men and women of God -each of which is ALWAYS RECEIVING FRESH REVELATION FROM GOD FOR OUR LIVES— RIGHT NOW! Will you help us buy air time for these programs so millions more may benefit from this revelation? Not only are Derene and I BEYOND GRATEFUL TO YOU for this, but as we are sharing with you today, beyond that, God has ABUNDANT, PERSONAL REWARDS FOR YOU NOW, BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY! Thank you in advance! We truly love and appreciate you!  Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders: ELIJAH LIST Ministries, ELIJAHSteams TV | Click here to donate with PayPal. | | Click here to donate by credit card or eCheck. | ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES, a 501c-3 organization To donate by Check (US Dollar Only), make your check payable to: ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES 528 ELLSWORTH ST SW ALBANY, OR 97321 USA Or Call: (541) 967-3665 | |  | |  | February 28, 2018 | | | | | |