From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Can I just say that this fresh word from Johnny Enlow is profound...and I mean profound!
Johnny released this word about the spiritual significance of what started on February 24 and what will happen thereafter.
We are a few days late posting this of course, but we wanted to get it out ASAP to our we know many of you have said and felt...that even this week there is a HUGE shift in the spirit realm. We've been posting quite a few words in this past week about this shift.
Please read this word by our friend Johnny Enlow...pass it on, and be ready for what is happening RIGHT NOW! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"On February 24, 2018 - It All Changed"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
There are days in the economy of God where on one specific day a Kairos moment has been determined and suddenly everything changes. A line has been drawn in the sand and a new demarcation of time has begun. Such a day began on February 24, 2018. Justice will no longer be suppressed and derailed.
Here are some of the prophetic markers that converge to confirm this reality:
In 2014, I experienced a supernatural manifestation where the number 224 was highlighted in an unforgettable fashion. I have been in constant interaction with God as to the meaning of that experience. This year the Lord spoke to me that this number referred to February 24 of this year (2/24). Furthermore, my second daughter Justice Enlow celebrated her 24th birthday on the 24th of February. This once in-a-lifetime reality of having one's age match one's birth-date is called a golden birthday. Justice just had her golden birthday on February 24. Here is the significance.
Justice's Golden Birthday: My wife Elizabeth and I have 4 daughters named Promise, Justice, Grace and Glory. All four of these names were given to us by the Lord with an attached prophetic message. We had names already picked out for all 4, but were interrupted supernaturally in all 4 cases and given a name with a message regarding their names. All 4 have had challenges associated with carrying their names and we are often watching one or more of our girls walk through something that is being warred over at a macro level.
"One way or another, the devil's illegal assault on many of you and us — must now stop." |
As many of you know, Justice has both been contending for beauty pageants and has been hit hard with physical illnesses and conditions. In fact, she has been hit hardest in her body when she is contending on stage, and once she was buckled with pain immediately upon presenting herself. Appropriately enough, it was in a beauty pageant in Hollywood right before the Harvey Weinstein story of Hollywood came out unleashing the #metoo justice campaign. Most recently, she has been diagnosed with a significant endometriosis condition that has caused her much pain.
In less than two weeks, she is scheduled to get a very advanced surgery to repair the condition and stem the endometriosis. She initiated a GoFundMe campaign to assist in paying for the very expensive surgery, as insurance doesn't cover it for some astounding reason. In an amazing and unexpected fashion, the Body of Christ responded to Justice from all over the world and almost within a day, she had raised what she had asked for. The generosity then went on for her to have enough of a surplus should a worst case scenario develop on surgery day, as some of the charges are based on hours of surgery. The response truly seemed almost spiritual and we were all so touched by it.
Somehow the Body knew that our Justice and justice in general is under assault and her ability to reproduce must not be stemmed (which is what endometriosis can ultimately lead to). I believe we will turn some corner for our Justice and are going to celebrate it. I also know a corner for justice in general is being turned and it is going to affect everything.
Dutch Sheets and Turnaround Time
As I was processing all the markings that spoke into February 24, I also suddenly came upon the news that Dutch Sheets hosted a conference in DC called Turnaround and the final day was on February 24. Dutch had some significant supernatural revelation on a major shift that would occur on that day and it is worth your time to read about his word. It is quite amazing to me that while Justice had her golden birthday, there were a group of saints in DC knocking on the doors of Heaven and showing up in the courts of Heaven pleading, demanding, and orchestrating justice.
Chuck Pierce and Atmosphere Change
I was also struck by Chuck Pierce's prophetic word I saw... saying that same week the atmosphere changes. That word is also well worth looking into and agreeing with. These prophets have been compelled to release bold statements that give an actual time of NOW, when the enemy can no longer hold back, suppress or sabotage that which he has been getting away with doing. Prophets know that timing is the hardest thing to prophesy, but the Lord is bellowing in multiple ways that NOW is the time and it specifically started on... (continue reading)