From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Prophetic voices are speaking over the nations as never before. God is moving and shaking things up right before our very eyes.
We are bringing you today a couple of articles about different nations and regions of the earth and how God's people can prepare.
Katie Barker of Australia speaks about her own region she is area called the South Lands...and gives important prophetic words for the region, as well as how the Body of Christ as a whole can prepare:
The Lord is calling the Body of Christ to prepare the way and get ready for a move of His Spirit that is coming. The angels have already announced a shift in the spirit, and the Lord is calling His intercessors to pray and His people to prepare. The Lord is calling His people in the nations to arise and shine and step into their destiny.
No matter where you're at across the globe, read this word and get excited to see God move in your area! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Calling Forth the Destiny of Nations! A Word for the South Lands"
Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia
The Lord is preparing His people for a move of His Spirit in the nations! In our region, this includes: "The South Lands" which are Australia, New Zealand and the Islands of the South Pacific, such as Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Cook Islands and New Caledonia, as well as others. I have had many encounters in the last few months where the Lord has shown me this is a significant time for the nations. The Lord is calling His people to prepare the way for He is coming with fire to heal and transform nations.
"Call Forth the Destiny of the Nations!"
The Lord spoke to me about my own region and said, "I am reclaiming the South Lands. They will be known as the South Lands of My Spirit. No eye has seen and no ear has heard and no mind has imagined the things I have prepared for these lands. The foundations for the coming move of My Spirit and the release of My fire have been laid. I am shaking those things that can be shaken and removing those things that are not of Me. I am preparing the ground for harvest in these nations. My messengers have announced the time for this region. My intercessors are being called to take up their positions on the wall like never before to call forth My will in the nations.
"The angels have already announced a shift in the spirit and the Lord is calling His intercessors to pray and His people to prepare." |
"A harvest is coming for what has been sown. These nations (mentioned above) are linked in the spirit, as they are My South Lands. There will be a domino effect seen as My fire spreads through their lands. Those who have heavenly sight to see the new thing I am doing, and those who allow My Spirit to move with freedom, will be used. I am releasing revelation and understanding of the spiritual inheritance over the nations. My people are rising up and using their Kingdom authority to call forth the destiny over the nations. I am connecting people across nations like never before. I am aligning those with the same vision and mandate for the South Lands.
"I am stirring the waters of the... (continue reading)