

Dear Administrator: Please be reminded that 18 NYCRR §487.12 (k), §488.12(m) and §490.12(k) require that adult care facility (ACF) operators obtain Health Commerce System (HCS) accounts and access these accounts regularly. In addition, operators must ensure that that there are sufficient and knowledgeable staff designated as HCS users, and that staff are assigned to the various HCS roles, to receive information and ensure rapid response to requests for information by the State and/or local Department of Health. The following roles (described in attachment 1), are required to be populated within the HCS by at least one person for each facility: Operator Administrator Health Commerce System Coordinator Health Provider Network Coordinator) Financial Data Submitter Emergency Response Coordinator eFINDS Reporting Administrator Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) Authorized Person The following roles, although not required by regulation, are highly recommended to be populated: Data Reporter Financial Reporter eFINDS Reporter Electronic Plan of Correction (ePOC) Editor Facilities not having a designated HCS Coordinator must first request a Coordinator or Director level account by contacting Dot Persico at 518-408-1133. This request will generate documentation which must be completed, notarized and mailed back to the Department's Commerce Account Management Unit (CAMU). As soon as the facility has at least one HCS Coordinator designated, that Coordinator can then place other HCS users within the organization into the required and recommended roles identified above. Facilities are also required to ensure that up to date or current emergency contact information is available to the Department through the HCS. Coordinators can use the 'Communications Directory Coordinator's Update Tool' to update the contact/emergency information for their organization (a "24 by 7 Facility Contact"), and for individual users. Note that all information entered using the 'Communications Directory Coordinator's Update Tool' must be validated every 90 days. Questions regarding Director or Health Commerce Coordinator roles can be directed to Dot Persico at 518-408-1133. Questions concerning user level accounts or emergency contact updates, can be directed to the Commerce Accounts Management Unit (CAMU) at 1-866-529-1890 option 1 (M-F 8:00 am-4:45 pm). Coordinators may also access the attached User Guide (also found https://apps.health.ny.gov/pub/ctrldocs/paperless_edoc2.pdf for instructions on new account requests). Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and for your continuing efforts to serve our vulnerable populations. Sincerely, Valerie A. Deetz, Director Division of Adult Care Facility and Assisted Living Surveillance & Community Transitions Programs Dear In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Provider: The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is pleased to tell you that Direct Deposit of payroll checks is now available for IHSS providers. What is Direct Deposit ? Direct Deposit is an optional way to receive your IHSS payroll checks. With Direct Deposit, your IHSS payroll check is deposited directly into your checking or savings account instead of being sent to you through the mail. Your paychecks can be deposited into your account at a bank, savings and loan or credit union. To keep track of your pay, you will receive a Direct Deposit Remittance Advice that will look like and contain the same information as the Statement of Earnings (pay stub) you currently receive attached to your IHSS payroll check. With your pay stub you will also receive a new timesheet for the next pay period. If you want to continue to receive your payroll checks by mail you do not need to complete the enclosed form or take any action. However, if you want your payroll checks to go directly to your bank through Direct Deposit you will need to fill out and return the enclosed "In-Home Supportive Services Provider Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change/Cancellation Form." What are the advantages of Direct Deposit ? ✔ Your payroll checks can't get lost in the mail or stolen from your mailbox, purse or pocket. ✔ You may have access to your money sooner because you don't have to wait for the check to come in the mail. Who is eligible for Direct Deposit ? ✔ All IHSS providers are eligible for Direct Deposit if they: ● have a checking or savings account, ● are presently receiving paper checks twice a month, and ● have worked for the IHSS program for at least 90 days. ● are not planning to send 100% of funds deposited to your bank to another bank outside the US. ✔ If your recipient pays you directly (Advance Pay) you are not eligible for Direct Deposit. ✔ In order to continue your Direct Deposit eligibility, you must submit your timesheets for each recipient promptly following the end of each pay period. What happens if I stop working for a recipient ? ✔ Providers who stop working for a recipient will be paid by Direct Deposit if they submit their timesheet within 60 days of their last pay period. If you do not submit any timesheets for 60 days, your Direct Deposit will be automatically cancelled . ✔ Instead you will receive a paper check by mail for any timesheet submitted after this 60-day period. ✔ If you are cancelled from Direct Deposit and want to use Direct Deposit again, you will be required to re-enroll by submitting a new enrollment form. SOC 831 (10 /11) How do I enroll in Direct Deposit ? ✔ To enroll you must complete the enclosed Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change/Cancellation Form. Follow the directions provided on the form. ✔ Please note that a separate enrollment form must be completed for each recipient for whom you provide IHSS services . For additional forms you may access our website at www.dss.cahwnet.gov and click on the tab labeled "Forms/Brochures" to download the enrollment form. If you prefer, you may also call the Provider Direct Deposit Help Desk toll free at (866) 376-7066 and ask that a form be sent to you. What do I do if I work for more than one recipient ? ✔ If you work for more than one recipient and want to use Direct Deposit, you must fill out and submit a separate enrollment form for each recipient for whom you work and want your wages directly deposited. Additional Information on Direct Deposit ✔ All Direct Deposit enrollments will be handled in one central location. Please do not call your county office as they will not be able to help you with the Direct Deposit enrollment process . ✔ If you have additional questions or problems after talking with your Bank, you can contact the Provider Direct Deposit Help Desk toll free at (866) 376-7066. The Provider Direct Deposit Help Desk can send you additional forms and assist you in filling out your form. ✔ When you call the Provider Direct Deposit Help Desk you will need to have your IHSS Statement of Earnings (pay stub) or other document in front of you that shows the name and case number for each recipient case that you are calling about. You must have this information for the Help Desk to be able to assist you. When can I expect my first Direct Deposit transaction to be credited to my Bank account ? ✔ You will continue to receive paper checks by mail until your Direct Deposit account has been established. ✔ It may take up to 60 days from the time you send your enrollment form until your first Direct Deposit is made. What happens if I close my account or change my Bank ? ✔ Notify the Direct Deposit Processing Center toll free at (866) 376-7066 immediately if you change your account number or Bank. You will need to complete and sign a new Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change/Cancellation Form. The Direct Deposit Processing Center can send you a new form or you may access the forms at the website shown above. Return the completed form to the Provider Enrollment Processing Center at P. O. Box 1120, Roseville, CA 95678. ✔ Do not close your old account until you have received your first payment in your new account . Dear Respected Colleague, FDA is aware that standard luer lock c onnectors are found on a variety of tubing sets, solution bags and other medical products. Th e ease of connection between these luer lock connectors have led to misconnections that have inadvertently linked unrelated systems, and at times, have resulted in seri ous adverse events. Lu er lock misconnections are often under-recognized; therefore, adverse events resulting from such misconnections are likely to be under-reported. These misconnections can be dangerous and re sult in injuries. Lu er connectors easily interconnect many medical components, acc essories, and delivery systems across multiple medical applications. Because of the nature of the connector design, human factors, and the clinical e nvironment, healthcare professi onals may mistakenly connect the wrong devices and deliver substa nces through the wrong route. Examples of misconnections include: Intravenous infusions connected to epidural lines, and epidural solutions (intended for epidural administration) connected to peripheral or central IV catheters. Bladder irrigation solutions using prim ary intravenous tubing connected as secondary infusions to periphera l or central IV catheters. Infusions intended for IV administration connected to an indwelling bladder (foley) catheter. Infusions intended for IV administration c onnected to nasogastric (NG) tubes. Intravenous solutions administered w ith blood administration sets, and blood products transfused with primary intravenous tubing. Primary intravenous solutions administ ered through various other functionally dissimilar catheters, such as external dial ysis catheters, a ve ntriculostomy drain, an amnio-infusion catheter, and the distal port of a pulmonary artery catheter. 1 1 The Joint Commission , Sentinel Event Alert , Issue 36 - April 3, 2006 , "Tubing misconnections—a persistent a nd potentially deadly occurrence" In particular, misconnections with enteral feeding tubes and solutions have been associated with death and serious injury. A lthough these adverse events appear to occur at a low frequency, it is suspected that ma ny misconnections are recorded as medication errors. When an enteral feeding tube mi sconnection occurs, the results can be very serious and, at times, fata l. The Joint Commission has urged product ma nufacturers to implement appropriate "designed incompatibility" to prevent danger ous misconnections of tubes and catheters. 1 As stated in The Joint Commission and USP Medication Safety Forum, the solutions are multifactorial and can be grouped into three broad and not mutually exclusive areas: education, awareness and human factors; purchasing strategies; and design changes. 2 2 The Joint Commission and USP Medication Safety Forum The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, Volume 34, Number 5. May 2008 "Enteral Feeding Misconnections: A Consortium Position Statement," Guenter et al. 1. What can manufacturers do? To reduce the likelihood of errors, some manufacturers have implemented design changes. For example, some have chosen to color code and label their enteral feeding tubes to flag which tubes must be connected with one another. Others have opted to create proprietary connec tions, following the principle of designed incompatibility, to ensure that devices that should not be connected cannot, in fact, be connected. FDA believes manufacturers should provide the necessary safeguards to ensure safe use of these devices and products. We encourage all manufacturers to assess the risks of misconnections for these de vices, carefully consider both temporary and long-term options to mitigate the risk and validate the solution(s) they deem most appropriate. FDA will assess the validation of the proposed solution during the course of the premarket review, as appropriate. 2. What can healthcare professionals do? Healthcare professionals can institute practices such as, but not limited to: Not modifying or adapting devices si nce that may defeat the safety system; Tracing lines back to its orig ins when reconnecting devices; Routing tubes and catheters that have different purposes in unique and standardized directions. 3. What can hospital purchasing departments do? Hospital purchasing departments should c onsider the safety of various systems and connections when purchasing new inventory. The current Association for the Advancemen t of Medical Instru mentation/American National Standards Institute, Inc. (AAMI/ ANSI) standard, ID54:1996/ (R)2005 entitled " Enteral feeding set adapters and connectors " recommends that adapters provided with, or are for use with enteral feeding sets be de signed so that they are incompatible with rigid luer connectors. However this standard does not set out any specifications for these adapters. FDA wants to inform you that a new broa d ranging standard is currently under development: ISO/IEC/FDIS 80369-1, " Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications ." This standard, and the series of standards that will accompany it, are intended to address c onnector cross compatibility issu es between products used for a variety of medical applications (e.g., entera l, parenteral, IV, epidural, etc.), and will likely identify specific designs for each a pplication to eliminat e the possibility of misconnections. FDA is activel y participating in the develo pment of the standard and believes this standard will help prevent device misconnections through, for example, the use of force function design and usability te sting. FDA is consid ering recognizing this standard when it is published. If FDA rec ognizes the standard, due to the significant impact this standard may likely have on the safety of these devices, FDA will provide guidance to manufacturers regard ing issues such as whether th ere will be a set period of time for currently marketed devices to come into compliance and the effect of the standard on new devices. FDA appreciates your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Neuland, Ph.D. at Carolyn.neuland@fda.hhs.gov or at (301) 796-6523. Sincerely, Christy Foreman Acting Director Office of Device Evaluati WELCOME TO THE PAN - ASIAN REUNION Dear alumni, Welcome to Singapore! We are delighted that you have decided to join the us for this extraordinary celebration marking Columbia Business School's 10th global reunion. The information included in this directory is current as of August 31, 2014, and was provided by each graduate with their permission. We hope it will help you to connect with fellow alumni attendees during the next four days and long after this weekend's activities conclude. To search the entire alumni network, as well as learn about your alumni benefits and other ways you can be involved with the School, please visit the alumni website at www.gsb.columbia.edu/alumni . Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for being an integral member of the Columbia Business School network, which is truly second to none. Warm regards, Lisa Yeh Senior Associate Dean External Relations and Development Kate Baxter Executive Director Alumni Relations Standard Chartered Falconflyer Visa Credit Card Service Directory Standard Chartered Bank Building No. 180, Government A venue, Manama 315 T el: 17 223 636, Fax: 17 225 001 Branches Manama (Main Branch) Building No. 180, Government A venue, Manama 315 T el: 17 223 636, Fax: 17 225 001 Diplomatic Area Zayani House, Building No. 499, Road No. 1706, Manama 317 T el: 17 530 095, Fax: 17 533 398 Budaiya Najibi Centre, Building No. 3, Saar A venue, Saar 515 T el: 17 690 088, Fax: 17 690 016 Hidd Lulu Hypermarket, Building No. 166 Road No. 3, Block 109 T el: 17 343 388, Fax: 17 344 476 West Riffa Al Haneen Plaza, Building No. 767 Road No. 1221, Block 912 T el: 17 771 744, Fax: 17 777 181 Zayed Town Al Andalusia II Complex, Building 1165 1823 Avenue, Zayed Town 718 T el: 17 720 838, Fax: 17 741 408 Saar Electronic Banking Unit Saar Mall, Shop No.9, Bldg 133, Road 25, Saar 525, Tel: +973 1779 9799 24 hour Phone Banking service on 1753153 2 Licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain as a Conventional Retail and a Wholesale bank Dear Standard Chartered Falconflyer Visa Cardholder, Marhaba! You have made the correct choice! Congratulations on your selection and welcome to the "Power of One". Your Falconflyer Visa Credit Card is brought to you jointly by Standard Chartered and Gulf Air, two of the most reputed and respected names in the Banking and Airline industry. Designed to deliver the best value The Falconflyer Credit Card brings you the best in class benefits from banking and aviation. There are three product variants to select from. Each offering distinct benefits which appeal to our entire spectrum of customers – those who have just started their working careers to the well established professionals and senior executives. The Falconflyer Visa Credit Card offers the following benefits*: Falconflyer Power of One 1. Automatic enrolment into the Falconflyer program. Enjoy being a frequent flier via your Credit Card. Falconflyer Rewards 1. Earn Miles for all retail spends on your Credit Card. Redeem Miles for air tickets on Gulf Air 2. Miles on Credit Card activation Falconflyer Travel 1. Up to 20% discount on Gulf Air flights 2. Complimentary Airport Lounge Access* 3. Complimentary Upgrade on activation of Credit Card* 4. Complimentary Airport Transfers in Bahrain* 5. Dedicated check-in counter* 6. Complimentary excess baggage* 7. Guaranteed seats on Gulf Air flights* 8. Personalized Luggage Tags * Falconflyer Peace of Mind 1. Complimentary Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty Falconflyer Banking Convenience 1. 24 hours Phone Banking service 2. Online Banking 3. Utility Bill payments 4. Free SMS Alerts For better understanding and more information The benefits mentioned are a summary. A detailed explanation is provided in the following sections. It is essential you read these carefully to get the best out of the Falconflyer Visa Credit Card in your wallet. Of course, you can contact us anytime via the 24 hour Phone Banking service on +973 17531532. You can also email your queries and feedback to eService.Bahrain@sc.com Thank you for choosing Standard Chartered & Gulf Air We sincerely hope and wish that our Falconflyer Visa Credit Card will enrich your life and bring you and your family the best the world has to offer! V er: May/2015 1 Dear Standard Chartered Falconflyer Visa Cardholder, Marhaba! You have made the correct choice! Congratulations on your selection and welcome to the "Power of One". Your Falconflyer Visa Credit Card is brought to you jointly by Standard Chartered and Gulf Air, two of the most reputed and respected names in the Banking and Airline industry. Designed to deliver the best value The Falconflyer Credit Card brings you the best in class benefits from banking and aviation. There are three product variants to select from. Each offering distinct benefits which appeal to our entire spectrum of customers – those who have just started their working careers to the well established professionals and senior executives. The Falconflyer Visa Credit Card offers the following benefits*: Falconflyer Power of One 1. Automatic enrolment into the Falconflyer program. Enjoy being a frequent flier via your Credit Card. Falconflyer Rewards 1. Earn Miles for all retail spends on your Credit Card. Redeem Miles for air tickets on Gulf Air 2. Miles on Credit Card activation Falconflyer Travel 1. Up to 20% discount on Gulf Air flights 2. Complimentary Airport Lounge Access* 3. Complimentary Upgrade on activation of Credit Card* 4. Complimentary Airport Transfers in Bahrain* 5. Dedicated check-in counter* 6. Complimentary excess baggage* 7. Guaranteed seats on Gulf Air flights* 8. Personalized Luggage Tags * Falconflyer Peace of Mind 1. Complimentary Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty Falconflyer Banking Convenience 1. 24 hours Phone Banking service 2. Online Banking 3. Utility Bill payments 4. Free SMS Alerts For better understanding and more information The benefits mentioned are a summary. A detailed explanation is provided in the following sections. It is essential you read these carefully to get the best out of the Falconflyer Visa Credit Card in your wallet. Of course, you can contact us anytime via the 24 hour Phone Banking service on +973 17531532. You can also email your queries and feedback to eService.Bahrain@sc.com Thank you for choosing Standard Chartered & Gulf Air We sincerely hope and wish that our Falconflyer Visa Credit Card will enrich your life and bring you and your family the best the world has to offer! Befo r e using your Standa r d Charte r ed Falconflyer Visa C r edit Ca r d 4 Overview of Standa r d Charte r ed Falconflyer Visa C r edit Ca r d Benefits 5 Understanding the Falconflyer Visa Credit Card Benefits 7 Falconflyer T ravel Benefits 9 Falconflyer Peace of Mind 11 Falconflyer Banking Convenience 12 Paying your Falconflyer Visa C r edit Ca r d Dues 13 Know Your C r edit Ca r d Statement 16 Falconflyer Visa C r edit Ca r d Do ' s & Don ' ts 18 C r edit Ca r d Ag r eement T erms & Conditions 19 Falconflyer Visa Credit Card T erms & Conditions 28 Annexure 1 - List of Airport Lounges 30 Contents 3 2 Dear Standard Chartered Falconflyer Visa Cardholder, Marhaba! You have made the correct choice! Congratulations on your selection and welcome to the "Power of One". Your Falconflyer Visa Credit Card is brought to you jointly by Standard Chartered and Gulf Air, two of the most reputed and respected names in the Banking and Airline industry. Designed to deliver the best value The Falconflyer Credit Card brings you the best in class benefits from banking and aviation. There are three product variants to select from. Each offering distinct benefits which appeal to our entire spectrum of customers – those who have just started their working careers to the well established professionals and senior executives. The Falconflyer Visa Credit Card offers the following benefits*: Falconflyer Power of One 1. Automatic enrolment into the Falconflyer program. Enjoy being a frequent flier via your Credit Card. Falconflyer Rewards 1. Earn Miles for all retail spends on your Credit Card. Redeem Miles for air tickets on Gulf Air 2. Miles on Credit Card activation Falconflyer Travel 1. Up to 20% discount on Gulf Air flights 2. Complimentary Airport Lounge Access* 3. Complimentary Upgrade on activation of Credit Card* 4. Complimentary Airport Transfers in Bahrain* 5. Dedicated check-in counter* 6. Complimentary excess baggage* 7. Guaranteed seats on Gulf Air flights* 8. Personalized Luggage Tags * Falconflyer Peace of Mind 1. Complimentary Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty Falconflyer Banking Convenience 1. 24 hours Phone Banking service 2. Online Banking 3. Utility Bill payments 4. Free SMS Alerts Befo r e Using Y our Standa r d Charte r ed Falconflyer Visa C r edit Ca r d • Please r ead the C r edit Ca r d Services Di r ectory for detailed infomation on benefits, pricing & charges, do ' s & dont ' s and customer service details. • Y our c r edit ca r d is sent to you in a "Blocked" status. This is to p r otect against any misuse while in transit. Please call our 24 hour Phone Banking service on 17 531532 to activate your ca r d. • Sign with a ballpoint pen on the signatu r e panel on the r everse of your ca r d to p r event any possible misuse. • Y our Personal Identification Number (PIN) can be generated by calling our 24 hour Phone Banking service on 17531532. Do not write your PIN and keep it with your c r edit ca r d and never disclose it to anyone. • Y ou can change your PIN by calling our 24 hour Phone Banking service on 17531532 or at any Standa r d Charte r ed Bank A TM in Bahrain. Please use this facility to select a PIN of your choice which is easy to r emembe r . • Set-up Online Banking and eStatement facilities. • Intimate any changes in your particulars r eco r ded with us, such as change of add r ess, telephone numbers, as soon as possible. • Quote your 16 digit c r edit ca r d account number in all cor r espondence and payments. • For further information, please call 17 531532 or email us at eService.Bahrain@sc.com Overview of Falconflyer Visa Credit Card Benefits The Standard Chartered Falconflyer Visa Credit Card has three variants: Blue, Silver and Gold. Each product variant has a set of basic benefits and some unique benefits designed to suit specific needs. The appended table summarizes the benefits at a glance. Please do read the detailed explanation of each benefit for clarity on eligibility, fulfilment and terms and conditions. Falconflyer Power of One Falconflyer Visa Blue Falconflyer Visa Silver Falconflyer Visa Gold 1. Automatic enrolment into the Falconflyer program. Enjoy being a frequent flier via your Credit Card. Ye s Ye s Ye s Falconflyer Rewards Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s 1. Earn Miles for all retail spends on your Credit Card. Redeem Miles for air tickets on Gulf Air 2. Miles on Credit Card activation Falconflyer Travel Ye s Ye s Ye s NA NA Ye s Yes-1 NA Yes-2 Yes-3 NA Yes-6 Ye s Ye s (cardholder plus 1 Guest) 1. Up to 20% discount on Gulf Air flights 3. Complimentary Upgrade coupons on activation of Credit Card 4. Complimentary Airport transfers in Bahrain 5. Dedicated check-in counter 2. Complimentary Airport Lounge Access NA 5 4