| | A letter from Joey: The time has come for me to step down as ITSAN president and pass the baton to another loyal TSW/RSS warrior, Kelly Barta. This change will be official on April 1, 2018. I've been heavily involved with this cause since 2011 and then with ITSAN when it transitioned over to a non-profit. Our first president, Kelly Palace, reached out to me by email and my life changed forever after that. There were a handful of us original support group members at that time, suffering through topical steroid withdrawal, and I now lovingly call them our first vets. I will always be grateful to Kelly Palace for that life-changing day and the bond and memories our first board developed. I love ITSAN and have not missed a day online in the support groups since the beginning of 2011. There were many emotional sleepless nights due to my own suffering and when my skin finally healed, many more sleepless and tearful nights over our beloved support group members, especially the children. I've had two family members suffer the withdrawal as well and am driven to see this travesty stop. My skin is fully healed but my bones, tendons and eyes have suffered and I need to use a cane often. (My HubPages story ) I no longer travel alone to conferences or perform the services I once gave to ITSAN. I turned 63 years old today!... and I feel the need to wind it down a bit and spend time with 6 older siblings with various health issues, plus enjoy retirement with my husband. During our last conference call with so many wonderful comrades, my emotions flooded while announcing this change, and there were warm, understanding and accepting responses. I will continue to admin. the Facebook support group and take the role of ITSAN secretary to assist our new president. I must also thank Kathy Tullos and Susan Ryza for their years of loyal service to ITSAN and lifting me up many times! I cannot say enough about it so I will keep it at that. I've met so many wonderful people, physicians and co-workers whom I so appreciate for their comradeship in this crucial cause. Thank you. Kelly Barta and I met in my home town two years ago and shared a lot of the same passion, pain and vision for ITSAN. She was totally motivated to take on the challenge of advocating safer use of steroids in the medical community as well as offer her services to whatever area ITSAN needed her. I never had to ask much as Kelly took off running with the challenge and hasn't stopped since. She has suffered intensely herself with the topical steroid withdrawal and full well knows the path our support group members are on. She is up for the challenge and has seen incredible doors open for her already in her advocacy for change. I'm very confidant Kelly will take ITSAN to another level that is much needed and she needs the emotional and financial support of us all to keep this torch burning as she runs the race with fervor. Please continue to send in your recurring donations or jump on board and start one if you have not. Kelly is meeting with doctors, leaders, other non-profit friends and political people to bring change for us all as well as our families and friends. Give her your helping hands and thank you for giving me your trust and love throughout these past years. You are forever graven in my heart. ~Joey  | | | | Start supporting ITSAN! Your donation is tax-deductible. If you prefer to donate by a check in the mail, please send to this address. Susan Ryza c/o ITSAN Treasurer 234 17th St. Santa Monica, Ca 90402 | | | | | | International Topical Steroid Addiction Network is a nonprofit charity formed to raise awareness about a condition called Red Skin Syndrome, also known as Topical Steroid Addiction or Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome. ITSAN Red Skin Syndrome Support has grown into a thriving world-wide online community where members share, comfort and encourage one another. ITSAN.org serves an International population as a resource for the individual, the caregiver, and the healthcare provider. View our 2017 report here. Our mission is to raise awareness of Red Skin Syndrome and support affected individuals with a goal of prevention, early detection, accurate diagnosis, and proper treatment of Red Skin Syndrome. Please find support during your topical steroid withdrawal in the Facebook RSS support group. ITSAN does not medically advise and only permits sharing of personal experiences. Anything advised or suggested by support group members is not necessarily endorsed by ITSAN. | | | | | |