From the desk of Steve Shultz:
For my entire youth and up to the age of 29, California was my home. I was a "Californian" through and though.
I met my wife, Derene, in California and 2 of our 3 kids were born there.
But in the 33 years since, we moved to the Great Northwest, and I've watched and have been stunned to see the spiritual condition of the state of California...seem to degrade.
Now, there are amazing churches in California, so please understand we are not complaining about the many wonderful spiritual movements and godly congregations in the state. We are only agreeing with God – that it's time for an explosion of God's Spirit once again in this great state!
God has chosen 3 prophetic voices to come together to CALL FOR FASTING AND PRAYER for OPEN HEAVENS to once again manifest over California.
Some of the greatest revivals in all of Church history started in California – from the Azusa Street Revival to the Jesus Movement and many other movements.
Will you join with us to "fast and pray" in whatever manner the Lord shows you – to pray for revival in California? And as you do join us, remember that God wants revival in California more than we do!
Why do I need to say that? So that our approach will be one of great faith, knowing that we are praying IN AGREEMENT with HEAVEN ITSELF – for a great outpouring to come upon California and to come up out from California – to be spread throughout the earth!
Bless you as you agree with God! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Open the Heavens Over California! A Call to a 40-Day Fast"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
Introduction from Doug Addison
I have been hearing the Lord say that California is going to once again be a birthing place for revival. It will be similar to the Jesus People Movement of the 1970s, which was the last known salvation and healing-based revival in North America. This revival started in California and impacted the entire world.
My life dramatically changed on February 6, 2018 when Lou Engle called me and shared a dream from one of his intercessors. It was about three prophets from Northern, Central and Southern California coming together with one voice to call for a 40-day fast to open the Heavens over California and release a new revival that will reach the entire globe.
The three prophets in the dream were Lou Engle (from Southern California), Doug Addison (from Central California) and Keith Ferrante (from Northern California). The three of us connected and the Lord moved quickly upon us so we are now calling for a 40-day fast.
As a testimony and confirmation of this, the very next day I received a dramatic healing of an affliction to my immune system!
Why a 40-Day Fast and Why Now?
• God has used California to spark many revivals that have gone around the world.
• Many prophets are now hearing God say that this is going to happen again.
• We have been praying for the new Jesus People revival.
• Fasting and prayer has preceded every major revival all over the world.
Beginning March 1 and ending April 9 (the anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival), this is a different kind of fast!
Interestingly, this fast also started during the Jewish festival of Purim, a celebration of the freedom that came during the time of Esther (Esther 9:22) when their sorrow was turned into joy.
Wherever you live, you are invited to be a part of this!
This Fast has 3 parts:
1) A Fast to Joy: Celebrate, radically praise, and feast with great joy for the coming revival!
2) A Fast of Negativity: Fast from negative thoughts, words and media, with repentance for judgments and negativity against ourselves, as well as other individuals, groups and churches.
3) A Fast of Food (optional): For those who feel led by the Lord. This can be a fast of whatever Holy Spirit leads you to do.
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