From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As I read through this article by Millennial Pastor Ben Lim, I felt a supercharge from the Lord...and what He is doing in this season of restoring His people and bringing great favor.
Just read this opening excerpt from Ben:
The Lord is about to release His golden scepter over you! I hear the Lord saying, "I am paying you back double for all of your troubles. I am about to release My holy scepter of recompense on the earth." There is a pay-back that the Lord is releasing.
Some of you have been suffering for so long. For so long you have been mistreated, dishonored, and disregarded and have been put off to the side. But you shall no longer be ignored and muzzled. You will no longer be thrown out of the churches. The last shall be the first and the first will be the last. The Lord is releasing a divine pay-back all across the earth.
I believe some of you are going to be so overwhelmed by the goodness of the Lord and His payback to you in this time! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Double Payback! I'm Releasing My Holy Scepter of Recompense on the Earth!"
Ben Lim, Los Angeles, CA
Divine Pay-Back
The Lord is about to release His golden scepter over you! I hear the Lord saying, "I am paying you back double for all of your troubles. I am about to release My holy scepter of recompense on the earth." There is a pay-back that the Lord is releasing.
Some of you have been suffering for so long. For so long you have been mistreated, dishonored, and disregarded and have been put off to the side. But you shall no longer be ignored and muzzled. You will no longer be thrown out of the churches. The last shall be the first and the first will be the last. The Lord is releasing a divine pay-back all across the earth.
"'Vengeance is Mine' says the Lord!" (Romans 12:19)
Smashing All the Idols, Curses and Naysayers
The Lord is about to smash up and down every single idol in your heart, in your life, and in your family. Everything that is trying to take the glory of God and take the place of our Savior is about to get smashed. The Lord of the angel armies is a jealous God and He is coming against His enemies!
"The Lord will pay you back for all that the enemy has tried to steal, kill, and destroy. Vengeance belongs to the Lord." |
The Lord is raising up the King Jehus to ride in triumph over all of your enemies. Hallelujah! Watch out, you Jezebels, because your time of sliming and dimming the prophets of the Lord is now finished.
Elijah was under the spell of Jezebel's witchcraft and terror for days in the desert. But after the Lord touched him, he ignited up in a spirit of acceleration and ran, ran, ran ahead of King Ahaz. Why? Because the curse was broken and the heavens were about to rain.
It's time for heavy rain my friends! The Holy Spirit is about to rain and reign down like never before! 2018 is the 70th year of the Latter Rain Revival in 1948. This is the 70th year anniversary of the Voice of Healing revival which started in 1948. This is also the 70th year anniversary of Israel becoming a recognized nation again. Hallelujah! This is the year of divine pay-back and recompense.
Get ready for heavy rain my friends! The Holy Spirit is about to rain down again, and again, and again, and again in this year. The curse is broken and it is now time for you to let out the spirit of the prophetic rain. Prophecy commands the rains of Heaven and the prophets of God release Heaven's blessings.
No longer will the true prophets of God be... (continue reading)