From the desk of Steve Shultz:
When God speaks a theme through many prophetic voices...He is surely trying to get our attention.
Remember, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter will be established." (2 Cor. 13:1).
The harvest is here...and I am sure we will be hearing many amazing testimonies around the globe of what God is doing.
Christy Johnston of Australia shares this most awesome word about the visions of harvest she saw:
I saw a vision of fields of ripe corn beginning to peak through their husks, and the fields were stretching as far as the eye could see, to the right and to the left, sweeping over the horizon. They looked ready to be picked but there was a problem. They were beginning to wilt from the heat of the midday sun scorching down on them, and the ground was dry and cracked, begging for rain. For a moment, I felt as a farmer might feel as he or she waits in desperation for rain, looking on the horizon, and hoping for the sign of rain.
Now find out what the Lord told her to "ask for" and much more. Folks, we are at the beginning of the greatest harvest we've ever seen! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Am Pouring Out My Spirit and My Rain Upon the Harvest Fields"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
What is Stirring Inside of Us?
Let me ask you: have you noticed a stirring hunger growing in your heart for an outpouring of God? Have you felt desperately thirsty for more of Him? Have you been feeling a sense of dissatisfaction with a longing to see the "more" of God? I heard the Holy Spirit say, "The soil of the earth is crying out for My rain and I am stirring up the hunger of My hungry ones to contend for My outpouring, not just for themselves, but for the whole earth. I have positioned My consecrated ones for this very moment, for HARVEST."
I want to share with you two Scriptures and a vision that the Holy Spirit shared with me recently. I believe each of them prophetically point to the time we are living in right now and speak of Harvest, the latter rain and the hungry ones.
A Vision of the Fields
The first is the Scripture from Zechariah 10:1. It says, "For how great is His goodness, and how great His beauty! Grain shall make the young men flourish, and new wine the young women. Ask the LORD for rain in the spring, for He makes the storm clouds. And He will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture."
"I believe there is an outpouring of His Spirit that is about to saturate the earth and the clouds of His glory are gathering on the horizon." |
As I read this Scripture, I saw a vision of fields of ripe corn beginning to peak through their husks, and the fields were stretching as far as the eye could see, to the right and to the left, sweeping over the horizon. They looked ready to be picked but there was a problem. They were beginning to wilt from the heat of the midday sun scorching down on them, and the ground was dry and cracked, begging for rain. For a moment, I felt as a farmer might feel as he or she waits in desperation for rain, looking on the horizon, and hoping for the sign of rain.
As I was searching for rain, I suddenly heard a sound. I began to notice people scattered throughout the fields of corn, and they were on their knees. They were weeping, their tears were staining the ground, and they were looking heavenward crying out in unison, "We want MORE! We want MORE! We must have MORE of YOU!" This went on for quite some time as I watched this scene unfold of these thirsty ones, crying out to the Father for more of Him in what sounded like a cry of labor. They were desperate for Him.
As they continued, I fell to my knees alongside them and suddenly a rumble could be both felt and heard in the near distance. We looked up and just over the horizon, thick and heavy clouds of rain were gathering. Rumblings of thunder grew louder as the hungry ones shouted all the more, "We want MORE! WE want MORE! We must have MORE of YOU!"
The sky began to grow darker, with flashes of lightning lighting up the sky, and the ones on their knees only grew thirstier as the rain clouds approached. I looked up and noticed that the storm clouds were growing in response to thirsty cries from the set-apart ones. The more they shouted in unison, the greater the clouds grew in strength with every shout and every cry until suddenly, big droplets of water began to fall.
I then heard the voice of the Holy Spirit from within the clouds as He responded... (continue reading)