From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Many of our readers have been saying they are experiencing an up-tick in their dream and vision life...and some are needing help interpreting their dreams along with the instructions from them.
You'll get some great insight, I believe, for your own dreams as you read through Katie Souza's latest article on dream/visions and what the Lord revealed to her.
As I've said before Katie Souza is "the real deal" and does not shy away from sharing about her past and how God delivered her. Amen to that...we all need that kind of transparency as it ministers to the masses and will help many others be set free.
Read this word by Katie...and let it help you gauge through your own dream life and any healing of past wounds that you need to be free from! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Soaking in the Glory to Hear God's Voice and Heal Your Soul"
Katie Souza, Maricopa, AZ
Dreams and visions lead us down the path to getting our wounds healed. Sin will create wounds on the soul. So, as we position ourselves to begin soaking our soul in the glory light of Jesus to get the healing, we must first deal with the sin that made the wound. Our first step is to apply the Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins and as we soak, by faith, we begin to apply His Blood to the sin or trauma that created the wound.
The Glory Light of Jesus Heals Our Souls!
When we first begin soaking, we do not have to know the exact sin or trauma to cover. We want to let go of our own reasoning and not assume that we know which wounds God is going to deal with first. We may think He is dealing with a certain besetting sin, but He wants to deal with the root that may have happened a very long time ago, one that we may not know anything about.
"Lean on, trust and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways (including getting your soul healed) recognize, acknowledge Him and He will make your ways straight and plain your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6 AMPC emphasis mine). Begin repenting by letting the Lord pop a memory or thought into your mind. Don't worry if that does not happen. Just put your faith on the fact that God is working. God may reveal to us at a later time what was healed, or we may know because we feel differently.
"...God conceals the matter to let us experience the excitement of discovery. As we search it out, our relationship with God gets deeper and our character, wisdom, and understanding grow." |
Once the sin that created the wound is dealt with, we can then begin applying the glory light of Jesus (dunamis) to our soul. So, our second step is to apply the glory light to our wounds to get them healed (see Mark 5:25-30 AMPC for reference).
Mark 5:30-34 shows that Jesus, recognizing that power had left Him and that somebody had been healed, looked to see who it was. The woman confessed and apologized (because she was unclean). Jesus told her that her faith had made her well. We see two things going on here: this woman used her faith and her focus. She just kept saying, "If I just touch the hem of His garment, I will be healed!" She was focused and driven! She was persistent. She did not let herself get distracted. She kept her mind like an arrow going straight towards the target. "I've got a goal. I'm keeping my mind focused on it. I don't care how many people are in my way!" That's how we do it! We believe the glory light of Jesus heals our soul!
There is Healing in His Wings
When we get distracted, we bring our mind back to focusing and applying the glory and the light to our soul. The woman was healed because she touched the hem or the "wings" of Jesus' prayer shawl. The prayer shawl represents the glory. Malachi 4:2 literally came to pass in her life: the Son of Righteousness, Jesus Christ, arose on her with His wings – His glory – and His beams of light. Jesus used this tool to heal that woman.
That "virtue" that left Christ's body, healed her soul as well as her body. The word "virtue" in the Greek means "the power for performing miracles" but it also means "moral power and excellence of soul!" He released virtue – to cause her physical body to be healed and to cause her to have excellence of soul. She had been sick for twelve years and Mark 5:26 (AMPC) says she "...had endured much suffering under the hands of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew, worse."
All that suffering put wounds on her soul. I believe that her disease was caused by a soul wound because the Scripture says that when she was healed the "...flow of blood was dried up at the source." Source means... (continue reading)