March 2, 2018 "From the White House to the Church House — Fathers Are Rising Up" From the Desk of Steve Shultz: Are you called to "father" a generation and raise up new sons and daughters? I think many are called and God is speaking to you about this role even now. Wanda Alger shares a much needed word to the Body of Christ in this hour. With many more sons and daughters coming in through the harvest...fathers and mothers will be in great demand! Wanda shares here: I believe God is speaking to this "fatherless generation." He is telling us that Dad is back in the house and putting things in order for the sake of His kids. It is not to control, manipulate, or coerce, but to lovingly support, undergird, and empower the next generation to be all they were destined to be. Yes, many will have a big part to play in raising up this next generation as you partner with God and help father them toward their destiny! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) 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Repairing the Breach "And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in." (Isaiah 58:12 ESV) The Body of Christ is undergoing a spiritual makeover and also in leadership. Many who were previously wounded by those in positions of spiritual authority are now being given an opportunity to find healing and restoration within the family of God. Where "spiritual authority" has often been a negative term for those who have felt disenfranchised, abandoned, or even controlled, the Lord is now repairing this breach of trust. The Father's heart regarding healthy authority figures and the role of spiritual moms and dads is coming to the forefront, not only throughout the Body of Christ, but even within the highest office in the land. Scriptures are clear about the place and purpose of healthy spiritual fathers and mothers (see 2 Kings 2:12, 1 Corinthians 4:15, 1 Thessalonians 2:11, 1 John 2:13-14). God's plan has always been for the Body of Christ to be an inter-generational demonstration of an eternal Kingdom that is always increasing and expanding, building upon previous lessons and victories (Psalm 112:1-3). Even as many five-fold ministers are being raised up to equip the saints, these office-holders will only be as effective as the spiritual fathers and mothers in the local houses of worship. The foundational roles of apostle and prophet (Ephesians 2:20) will be the most potent and fruitful when these servants lead with the heart of a father and mother who nurture the family for the long haul. It is in this season that God's grace is upon those who have been called to establish a strong and secure household of faith (1 Peter 2:5). It is upon this solid foundation that the coming move of the Holy Spirit will be poured out and properly stewarded for lasting impact. Nurturing and Bringing Order with the Heart of a Mother or Father For those with eyes to see, we can see Heaven's priority in this even within our national leadership in the White House. Whatever many may think of our current president, he bears the fruit of a faithful father. His commitment to his own children and their testimonies of the mutual love and affection for one another are powerful indicators of this reality in his life. For those who question his success or seeming favor in this season, I believe a key component is due to his heart and perspective as a father. I believe God is speaking to this "fatherless generation." He is telling us that Dad is back in the house and putting things in order for the sake of His kids. It is not to control, manipulate, or coerce, but to lovingly support, undergird, and empower the next generation to be all they were destined to be. The Lord is addressing the lie that spiritual authority can't be trusted. He is giving Believers more insight into inner healing and deliverance from this stronghold so that the Body can be a place of healing and restoration. Once healed and properly functioning within a healthy household of faith, these same sons and daughters will reach our orphaned culture with an overflow of the Father's grace that will be marked by extreme love and supernatural power. Prayer Directives for Partnering with Heaven in This New Season Fathers and mothers are rising up in this hour to come alongside the firebrands, pioneers, and five-fold ministers in order to secure our inheritance in the land. Let us partner with Heaven by doing our part in seeing this reality come to pass: 1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any negative reaction against spiritual authority to find God's truth and healing grace. 2. Pray for those in positions of spiritual authority to be healthy in soul, mind, and spirit so they can lead from the heart of the Father. 3. Pray for the sons and daughters to embrace the generational blessing of those who have gone before in order to build upon the foundations already laid. 4. Pray that the world would see a healthy household of faith rise up to bring healing and restoration to a broken and fatherless culture. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Wanda Alger Website: Wanda Alger is a recognized Five-fold Prophetic minister with Dove Christian Fellowship International and is on staff with Intercessors for America as a staff writer and editor. She ministers alongside her husband, Bobby, at Crossroads Community Church in Winchester, Virginia, which they planted in 1998 after serving in the central Shenandoah Valley for more than fifteen years. Wanda has been a worship leader and music teacher for many years as well as author of two books, Exposing the Religious Spirit in the Contemporary Church and Making Room for His Presence. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Alveda King's book by Elijah List Publications: America Return to God: Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. 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