| | Summer of Glory 2018 with Reinhard Bonnke, Lou Engle, David & Stephanie Herzog, and worship with Jake Hamilton June 14-17, 2018, in Phoenix, AZ | | Co-Sponsored by the Elijah List | The great Awakening of America is about to occur! 2018 is a key year for the beginning of birth pains of the last great harvest! | If you could receive an impartation of the greatest evangelist in history while immersed in the greater glory before they passed would you jump at the chance? | Well guess what, Evangelist Reinhard Bonkke is coming to Phoenix! He has led more people to Christ and preached to more people face to face in his outdoor crusades than any other evangelist in world history. His last crusade he preached to 6 million people! With cripples that walk, blind see, deaf hear and even resurrections occurring during his crusades. The last crusade alone had 500,000 counsellors, 200,000 intercessors, a choir of over 23,000 and a security force of over 10,000. | GOOD NEWS: Reinhard Bonkke is coming to our Summer of Glory Conference to release that mantle and fire one last time! God has chosen Arizona to host the next great harvest in America!  Also, Lou Engle has strongly felt from the Holy Spirit to join us in June! | Lou has recently been hosting TheCall and the famous TheCall Asuza in the stadium that seated 100,000 people in Los Angeles. Lou understands the intercessory force that it takes to see a great harvest and America turn back to God. He senses something is stirring in Arizona and re-arranged his busy schedule to be with us in these meetings! Can you imagine? BOTH of these generals will be with us this June! Also, David and Stephanie Herzog will be releasing the Greater Glory that God is releasing for this season for the Great Awakening! And then Jake Hamilton will be rocking us into greater realms of praise and worship breaking through into new dimensions of God's Glory. Something that has never been released before will be released. The Great Awakening of America is about to occur! 2018 is a key year for the beginning birth pains of the last great harvest! Billy Graham recently passed away and it has been prophesied that once he does his mantle for mass harvest would be released to many. It was also prophesied that once both Oral Roberts and Billy Graham died a new awakening would hit America. Well we are now in that time frame! Also, we are in the 70th anniversary of Israel's Independence with the U.S. Embassy about to be relocated to Jerusalem on May 14th this year. We are also in the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. All the signs are pointing to an Awakening. The question is: Are you positioned and ready? Ready or not it's about to hit like waves across this great nation. When the U.S. declared Israel a nation in 1948 the U.S. experienced a wave of massive healing and tent revivals all over the nation. In 1967 when Jerusalem was recaptured by Israel with America's blessing the U.S. started to experience the greatest harvest of souls up to that point called the Jesus Movement. It occurred in the most degraded time for our culture morally yet out of that God started a great move of God in America. Question: What is going to happen now that the U.S. for the 1st time is moving our embassy to Jerusalem on May 14th exactly on the 70th anniversary of Israel's independence and celebration of Jerusalem that the US endorsed? Answer: THE GREATEST HARVEST, AWAKENING AND REVIVAL IS ABOUT TO OCCUR!! Between Passover and Pentecost God re-aligns His people for the harvest ahead. These meetings will occur soon after the May 14th moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and Pentecost! What we can expect is a summer of Harvest Glory! | We have never been so excited about these meetings as what occurs in these meetings will ignite a huge harvest of souls and awakening the likes that we have never seen before in our lifetime! | We are on the verge of a 3rd Great Awakening and Phoenix, Arizona is ground zero for many prophetic words that Arizona will model the new thing about to occur in America. Intercession and prayer groups have been covering the land for years and the Hebrew year 5778 is the culmination of the beginning of this spiritual rebirth coming to America! I have never in my lifetime seen a paradigm shift this big as what is about to occur in America! What you do this year to align with God will determine the course of your life for many years as this is a Kairos year unlike any other. What you do this year and how you position yourself has great eternal consequence on your destiny. We have never been so excited in our spirit as we are this year. This will be a divine appointment with the GREATER GLORY unlike any other time in history at the timing God is calling in His chosen ones, so HE can unleash on them the greater glory, power, favor and assignments that He has reserved for such as time as this. Now is the time! The USA is on the verge of a major breakout in Awakening that it has not seen since the last Great Awakening! God often starts new things during His feasts and empowers His people for the great worldwide shifts during this time. It is a time when Believers, who honor these days and set aside time to be with God, position themselves to receive great heavenly visitations which open them to huge favor, blessings and divine alignment with the new thing He is doing. You don't want to miss the impartation that God has for you this June 2018 in Phoenix! | This year, we don't want you to miss this appointment! | So, we are creating an environment where you can come and be saturated with God in a powerfully anointed heavenly glory filled atmosphere. This summer, David Herzog Ministries will be hosting the Summer of Glory Festival in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona June 14-17, 2018 And, we want you to be there! | WARNING: This conference will fill up very fast and once sold out the building won't let us put more people in than is legally allowed. Please register ASAP if you plan to come and get the early bird special price. | Make plans now to be with us at the Summer of Glory Festival June 14-17, 2018 and position yourself to enter into this season as one aligned correctly for awakening in your life, in your Church, and in America! | | Location: DOUBLETREE BY HILTON PHOENIX - TEMPE 2100 S. PRIEST DRIVE TEMPE, AZ 85282 PHONE#: (800) 528-6481 Nearest Airport: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)  Date: June 14-17, 2018 | | Speakers |  | Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is principally known for his Great Gospel Crusades throughout the Continent of Africa. The son of a pastor, Reinhard gave his life to the Lord at age nine and heard the call to the African mission field before he was even a teenager. After attending Bible College in Wales, and his ordination in Germany he pastored a church and then went on to start missionary work in Africa. It was there, in the small mountain kingdom of Lesotho, that God placed upon his heart the vision of "the continent of Africa, being washed in the precious Blood of Jesus" — an entire continent, from Cape Town to Cairo and from Dakar to Djibouti that needed to be reached and to hear the proclamation of the signs-following the Gospel. |  | Lou Engle is a revivalist, visionary and co-founder of TheCall, Inc. For more than three decades, Lou's passion has been to call Believers into radical consecration through prayer, fasting, and acts of justice. Lou has been involved in church planting, establishing prayer movements and strategic houses of prayer. He is the founder of the pro-life ministry, Bound 4 Life, and has inspired other justice movements. |  |  | David & Stephanie Herzog are the founders of David Herzog Ministries. Their passion is to live in the Presence and Greater Glory of God through intimacy with God in the Holy Spirit, to equip Believers to do the greater works and to bring the Gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world in stadiums, revivals, conferences and mentoring. David and Stephanie have been in full-time ministry for over 26 years since 1991 and have lived in the U.S as well as in France with their family. Taking the glory to the nations with miracles and signs following across the USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East and beyond is how they live their life, through ministering in stadiums, conferences, revivals and outreaches and one on one all over the world on every continent. | Worship  | And worship with Jake Hamilton, a passionate worshiper carrying the language and sound of reformation and revival. He has a deep desire to see generational and denominational boundaries blurred through the simple message of love embodied in the man Jesus Christ and lived out in the context of community. As an artist he desires to push the limits of creativity and as a father and a husband he is committed to his family first. But above any of his endorsements and accomplishments he is a lover of Jesus Christ with the ability to lead others into the same encounter that transformed his life over 15 years ago. | | Schedule: June 14-17, 2018 Thursday, June 14 7:00 PM Session 1 Friday, June 15 10:00 AM Session 2 2:00 PM Session 3 7:00 PM Session 4 Saturday, June 16 10:00 AM Session 5 2:00 PM Session 6 7:70 PM Session 7 Sunday, June 17 2:00 PM Session 8 7:00 PM Session 9 | •$25.00 - Early Bird Registration (Through May 1) •$30.00 - Registration Rate ($10 per session Walk-In) Please register each person separately. Registration is Non-Refundable. Contact: 928-282-9030 for more information PLEASE NOTE: Childcare is not available | | | | |  | |  | April 26, 2018 | | | | | |