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May 3, 2018 "Steve Shultz: Crazy! God Actually Said, 'Pineapple Theology'"![]() What if you were laying in bed, minding your own business, and God suddenly spoke and said, almost out loud, "PINEAPPLE THEOLOGY!" What? I totally wondered what God was up to, but I'd been listening to God long enough to know and understand that it was indeed God speaking to me...and there was a reason for this strange word that I was yet to know. We were at a breaking point or decision point, or both (this was 20 years ago but it feels like yesterday). "What were we going to do?" we thought about our circumstances at that time. I thought about it for a while, and then promptly forgot about the whole thing. I had lots to do, so I got busy for the day. Then there was this horrible meeting I had to attend, and after it was over, I realized I was going to take my family and move away. It was that clear. It was that sad. Was I doing the wrong thing, though? This is NOT what I had envisioned or planned. To say I felt depressed is an understatement. Ever felt like that? Of course you have! When you don't know what to do, you cling to any prophetic word you can get. I know you do because that's what I do. But in this case on this day, I had even forgotten my own prophetic word, "PINEAPPLE THEOLOGY!" Evening came and my depression continued. To have to pack up and leave was NOT in my plan. It didn't mix or match with anything I was planning to do...not at all! Then I suddenly heard some noise. It was a happy sound. Uproarious laughter was coming from our bedroom. "What in the world?" I thought. I went down to inspect the "hilarity". There, on our bed, my wife had our youngest daughter pinned to the bed, mostly laying on top of her and they were both "losing it" with laughter. It was just crazy hilarious, and I couldn't help but chuckle amidst my own "depression". "What in the world is going on, you two?" I asked. "What is SO FUNNY?" They tried to tell me, but they were laughing too hard. Danielle our daughter was still pinned. Derene went on to tell me that minutes before, while she had Danielle totally pinned to the bed (she was 13 or 14 at the time), that out of some RANDOM thing in her head Danielle suddenly blurted out to Derene... "Did you know you can't mix cooked pineapple with Jello?" That's all it took. It was so silly to say that at THAT moment, they were both "busting a gut" laughing about it. Ha! They were out of control laughing! The second I heard it, my countenance got serious.
He had just interpreted "PINEAPPLE THEOLOGY". You can't take pineapple, cook it and then mix it with Jello. If you do...or if you try...the Jello won't gel! Danielle had just learned that at school that day! You can't mix those two together any more than you can mix YOUR PLANS with God's plans. While I knew we were moving away from this city, what I didn't realize until now was this...God was saying to me, "Steve, I know all your plans but they have nothing to do with My plans. They won't gel with My intentions. You have to MOVE, Steve, and watch what I do then!" So we packed up and moved. You know what God did after that? He put His blessing and favor on THE ELIJAH LIST. At that time, we had probably 1000 subscribers. Today we have almost 300,000 subscribers. I like God's ways, don't you? The city where we moved and where we still now live is where all three of our children found their spouses and are now all happily married. God knows what will gel and what will not. It's HIS PINEAPPLE THEOLOGY! Which plans of YOURS are you trying to "make gel" that simply won't work? Isn't it about time you let go and let God? Let God do His work in you and with you. Trust me, it's going to be much better than your plans...I promise!!! It's time to accept God's PINEAPPLE THEOLOGY! Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders Personal note from Steve Shultz: Are these words helping you in your life? Do you feel encouraged? Would you consider helping us financially? Did you know almost 30 people work at Elijah List Ministries to bring all these words and videos to you? Derene and I Thank You personally in advance for your financial support: If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, or by postal mailing your donation to: Elijah List Publications Thank you and God bless you! Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications |

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