Hey, Was it divine intervention...or was it an ancient healing discovery that's been locked away for more than 3,000 years? Whatever it was, I was completely shocked 10 years ago when this amazingly simple treatment somehow dissolved my mother's pancreatic tumor...just hours before she was about to undergo surgery! You see, my mom was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor in 2005. They said it was most-likely cancerous. And they said she'd need a long, risky surgery to remove the tumor. The night before she was to go to the operating room, I felt led to ask my mom if she would let me try a simple treatment involving music and "healing frequencies" that I had been researching. She said yes, so I took out my specially-tuned guitar and began playing for her. Within 15 minutes, she could see (in her mind's eye) a big, ugly, black "glob" shrivel up and suddenly turn bright green. That's when she said to me, "Michael, I think I've just been healed!" The next day, she asked if they could postpone the surgery and do another test... but they told her "Sorry, but you're prepped and ready – we need to operate now". So they wheeled her into surgery. Then something wonderful happened... After 45 minutes, the surgeon ran into the waiting room beaming: "No cancer! No tumor! Everything is clear!" And ten years later, my mom is still alive and well – still going strong! Click here to learn more about her incredible story and other miraculous healings. Watching my mom be healed so quickly fueled my passion to help others. Now I've made it my life's work to bring this incredible healing discovery to as many people as possible. It took me almost ten years, but I've now released to the public what others tell me is my magnum opus – my life's grand work. It's called Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project. It's a beautiful creation of instrumental music with underlying healing frequencies. You can actually feel the hope and healing resonate in your body the moment you hear the songs. And the early feedback we've heard from users has been nothing short of miraculous. It helped Lisa W. get rid of the tinnitus that'd been bothering her for months...after just a couple of days of listening! It helped eliminate the knee pain that had Lynn immobilized...in just a few hours! And it helped Mike M. regain full range of motion and become pain-free (in spite of a pinched nerve in the neck and lower back spasms)—just in the time it took to drive home from the grocery store! I've heard real-life success stories from hundreds more people who say this simple, natural, drug-free therapy has helped... ...give a mother of five renewed energy... ...calm a 10-year-old boy with autism... ...improve a man's focus at work and even lower his blood pressure... ...relax a woman's son with ADHD—and her stressed-out co-workers, too... ...put a busted-up trauma patient who suffered a motorcycle accident to sleep... ...let a woman wake up without searing pain in her back for the first time in years... ...and dozens more incredible healing breakthroughs! The question is—what can this easy-to-do yet amazingly effective music therapy do for YOU? You simply have to click here to find out. I'll even let you try it for free right now – just listen to the beautiful sample music! (One lady with rheumatoid arthritis fell asleep at her computer, listening to the samples... in the morning when she woke up, her pain was gone!) Bottom line is, I know you are going to love this music and experience the hope and healing in the frequencies. It truly is a gift from God, and I am His humble steward, sharing this with as many people as I can. Please listen and share this with your loved ones. Yours in hope & healing,  Michael Tyrrell Musician and Inventor, Wholetones P.S. Not only are there hundreds of real-life testimonials (which you can read here) that help prove this incredible healing music really works... it's backed up by hard science! Plus, I've personally heard from several well-known doctors in our country who are now playing this music in their waiting rooms and clinics, amazed as their patients are healed right before their eyes. Click here to discover what this amazingly effective treatment can do for you—or to help your loved ones, just like helped my mother. |