From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a "wow word" from Steve Porter on the importance of restoring honor back to the wounded.
God has shown me that we are in a season of seeing a great harvest of prodigals coming home...AND with that our hearts need to be ready to receive them...broken and wounded.
Are you ready to receive the prodigals back in whatever condition they are in? This word by Steve will help prepare you as he shares:
For those who have fallen into the depths of sin or suffering, we must provide a safe place of refuge, a spiritual care unit. So many today say this is NOT the job of the Church, but I plead with you not to harden your hearts or fail to show true compassion and mercy to those who repent and seek restoration, and to be refreshed. What if it were you or someone in your close family who was devastated beyond words and you needed a place to go and heal?
Steve also includes a powerful prophetic word to the wounded warriors and the prodigals.
Let's prepare our hearts for our loved ones coming home! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Who Will Restore the Weak Back to Health and Honor?"
Steve Porter, Rochester, NY
"They cause the naked to lodge without clothing, that they have no covering in the cold." (Job 24:7)
May I share with you a burden that's heavy upon my heart? There are many children of God who are naked—stripped of their nobility. They wear nothing but the shame of calamity, and they wander from place to place seeking refuge, but find none.
The winds blow, the rain beats down upon them, and the thunder pronounces their doom. Their eyes are vacant—their cold, distant stares see nothing but more of the heartache that brought them to this awful place of anguish. They have become injured in the fight, too weak to go on. Whether their tragedy was caused by any fault of their own or inflicted by others, they still have no place to rest or recover. Who will restore these weak ones back to health and honor?
Recovery Greatly Needed for the Wounded Ones
There is a desperate need for a recovery room for these wounded warriors! A place of healing, salvation, and unconditional love. In this special place of refuge, restoration and healing occurs, freedom takes place, and ugly scars are transformed into baby-soft skin by His power.
It should grieve our hearts when these wounded ones are turned away from churches with nowhere to escape the cold. Papa's heart is grieved that so many places are preoccupied with their own agendas and vision, that there is no one to care for or listen to the broken ones. Many have become insulated and apathetic, so that they can no longer feel the pain and heartache of those who need them most. The Lord is calling the Church to be like a... (continue reading)