August 24, 2018 "The Importance of Staying Connected to 'Next Level People'" Charles Phillips, Greenwood, OK From the Desk of Steve Shultz: I found this word by Charles Phillips intriguing for the next season we are in. Yes, God is calling us up and out to new places and areas as He also increases our gifting in Him. Charles shares this awesome word: There has always been a group of people who are not satisfied with the norm and are the ones who push the envelope; they go where others are afraid to and envision more than most can understand. These are the trail blazers the Lord uses to bring His plans and purposes into the earth! They are the ones who trust deeper than they can see and love greater than they can understand. The Lord recently spoke to me and said: "Next Level People." Now read on to find out keys to and receive an understanding of next level people! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Enjoy! Note: Do these free emails bless you? 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Thereafter, the floodgates began to open concerning the role and anointing that is on the lives of these trail blazers. Anointed to Untangle The Apostle Paul was a "Next Level Person" who was able to navigate this life successfully, while bringing the Kingdom of God in force everywhere he went. While talking to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:4 he said: "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." After reading this verse we can clearly see that "Next Level People" are the warriors who refuse to be entangled or focused on things of this life. They are the ones who have set the Kingdom of God before them and are running passionately into it. They possess an anointing to speak with authority and untangle those who are trapped in the confusion and affairs of this life. One of the things I can clearly see is that many have become so entangled they cannot move forward, and this is causing a great hopelessness in their lives. That is why I hear the Lord telling us to stay connected to those who carry the ability to go to new levels! Always know this: "Next Level People" love to take others with them! Partnering with Next Level People I really feel that in this time, God has reserved to Himself those who possess the anointing to not only go to the next level, but breakthrough and take others with them. Look at this Scripture in Numbers 27:18: "So the LORD said to Moses, 'Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him.'" Moses knew that he could not do this alone and needed others with the same spirit to come alongside him and take the role of leadership into the next generations. People who carry a next level mandate will look for those who dare to partner with them and they will teach and impart to them of their spirit. This is very vital to understand to sustain the awakening that we are nurturing today. Not only did Moses find Joshua, we can see that Joshua found Moses! Don't be afraid to see someone who is going to new levels and to come along side of them. Because they have broken through, they will teach you to breakthrough as well. The Pioneers Who Hold to the Word and Manifest the Kingdom of God One of the greatest things I believe that has hindered our ability to go to new levels is that we have labeled those who are bold as "rebellious". There is a great difference between rebellious people who do not honor authority and disregard all spiritual etiquette, and those who understand that we are made to go from glory to glory and are compelled by the Spirit of the Lord to press into greater realms and see the Kingdom of God manifest in the earth. In Acts 4, we can see that after Peter and John had won over 5,000 people while preaching, they were confronted by the priests and asked: "...By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?" (Acts 4:7). With great boldness they began to speak of things they could have only known because they were in the presence of the Lord. Peter and John had gone to a new level and were beginning to take others with them. "Next Level People" are those who speak with great boldness and authority because they have overcome in the realms where others remain trapped. They are the pioneers who hold to the Word and manifest the Kingdom of God in power and have been labeled as renegades and heretics to the religious flow. "Next Level People" have dealt with the insecurities that keep others small and trapped. They have boldly proclaimed what God desires to do next in the earth and are actively moving to manifest it. Are you a "Next Level Person"? (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Charles Phillips Charles Phillips Ministries Email: click here Website: Charles Phillips grew up in a Christian home where both his parents ministered and pastored. He grew up very poor but with a lot of love in his house. Even though he grew up in a home where God was first, he did not always put Him first or passionately pursue Him. His early teenage years were a time filled with rebellion and a lot of mistakes. It was at the end of his High School years when he, for the first time, encountered the Lord for himself and heard His voice. The Father spoke to Charles Phillips literally and his mind was changed, and He turned his mistakes and failures into ministry. It was also at this time that he met his future wife Khristi, and they were married 3 years later. These events changed his life and set in motion a journey that he is happily still on today. In 1993 he began pastoring a little church in the town of Cameron, Oklahoma, where he grew up. He still looks back with fond memories of seeing his wife and him learning music, putting together events and his little girl singing in the children's choir; as well as worshiping with all the familiar faces he grew up around. God knew what He was doing. It was in this small place that Charles Phillips and his family saw great miracles, healings and God's hand upon their lives. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Alveda King's book by Elijah List Publications: America Return to God: Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. 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