From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Nearly 20 years ago, the Elijah List had its very first prophetic conference and I specifically asked Patrick King to be our first-ever conference speaker.
It was amazing, and from that day to this, I've watched as Patricia's prophetic and supernatural anointing has increased with each passing year.
Now, for the year 2019 (and the Hebrew year 5779, which begins in a few weeks), here is one of the very first words for the New Year.
You will find this to be a very encouraging word, so grab a cup of coffee and go through it slowly and prayerfully. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"9 Prophetic Words for Year 5779"
Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ
Prophetic insights at the head of the year are very powerful. The new year (Rosh Hashanah), according to the Hebrew calendar, begins this year at sundown on September 9 through sundown September 11. It is the year 5779.
I encourage you to review the following prophetic words for the year. Come into agreement with the words for your life and for the Body. Embrace them. Pray into them. Activate them and watch your life go to a new level of alignment in the Lord to His Kingdom purposes.
2 Chronicles 20:20b NASB, "...Put your trust in the LORD your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed."
1. God Will Reveal Himself as Creator in 5779
A revelation of God as CREATOR will be released to the Body in this next season. There has been much revelation of God as Savior, Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Deliverer and Provider, but very little emphasis has been given to God as Creator. The very first revelation of God in the Scriptures was God as Creator.
"Believers will be called to intense seasons of intercession, watching, and fasting." |
For those who embrace this revelation, there will be many who will work creative miracles on His behalf, especially in the area of physical miracles (i.e. body parts and organs being created) and great anointing will be released for wealth creation.
Genesis 1:1 NASB, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Romans 4:17b NASB, "...even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist."
Deuteronomy 8:18, "But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."
2. It's Time to Birth – Multiple Births
In this season, there will be...(continue reading)