From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is one potent word from Dawn Hill about the power of prayer that we have access to. I like what she shares in her article, "Prayer is not boring!"
No it is NOT! I have found that when I strategically pray for myself and for others, things shift. This is one way we contend for breakthrough as well...through the power of prayer!
Just read this piece from Dawn:
Prayer is warfare. Prayer is taking the battle plans provided by our Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ, and putting them into effect. I truly believe that these specific battle plans to be revealed entail knowing what the enemy plans to do before it even happens. What if the people of God decided to pray in such a way that they intercepted the plans of Hell before they could even happen and Believers really heard the voice of the Holy Spirit to thwart Hell's agenda to steal, kill and destroy?
Now we should all go into prayer with that state of mind. God is leading us to strategic prayers for specific situations to shift in His favor! Enjoy as you read the benefits of the power of prayer! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Power of Prayer! God is Giving Us Specific Battle Plans!"
Dawn Hill, Bristol, VA
Several weeks ago during a corporate gathering, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the well-known account in Ezekiel 37 and the valley of dry bones. He drew my attention to the verse where the Lord gives Ezekiel specific instructions. He tells Ezekiel to prophesy – prophesy to the bones and prophesy to the breath/wind. As I thought about the command to prophesy, I realized a simple yet powerful revelation.
The command given by the Lord was never to "talk" about the bones or the wind, but this is the trap where many of us become ensnared. We choose the ease of talking about the bones and the wind, placing all of our focus on what holds no life. It is not to say that we deny the current state, but we are to "prophesy" to the bones and to the wind. To prophesy is simply to declare what will happen.
Ezekiel was instructed by the Lord to prophesy, to declare what would happen. He was not instructed to talk about the dry bones and to talk about the wind. There is no power in merely talking about things. God calls us to action and to carry a responsibility in prophesying. What if Ezekiel had not obeyed the Lord? What if he had chosen to see as a man instead of speaking as a prophet, declaring the vision of God? (Photo via Pixabay)
There is great power in prophesying unto the Lord, and there is also great responsibility. It is a great responsibility to not simply walk among the dead and dry, but to hear and obey the instruction of the Lord. I believe that God is calling the prophetic voices to prophesy to the wind and to call forth the breath to enter an exceedingly great army.
Some of us have grown weary looking at the bones of the Church when we are being beckoned to prophesy to the wind. We are not called to slay the slain, but to breathe upon the slain that they may live (Ezekiel 37:9). Prophets, you are mandated to prophesy what the Lord says so that He may raise the spiritually dead from their graves so that they become a tabernacle for His presence.
Specific Battle Plans
There is another vital aspect to all of this that I believe is coming stronger on...(continue reading)