| | Glory Awakening 2018 with Joshua Mills, Warren Marcus, Bob Hazelett, David & Stephanie Herzog, and worship with Steve Swanson September 6-9, 2018, in Phoenix, AZ | | Co-Sponsored by the Elijah List | Rosh Hashanah is one of those divine seasons that you just can't miss out on. It's a "make or break" season. Because it the head of the year on God's calendar how you enter the year and Rosh Hashanah will determine how we finish the year. I don't know about you, but I definitely don't want to miss out on what God is doing-especially this year in America as we are on the cusp of the greatest Awakening in our lifetime! When we gather together on purpose during this time God promises to bless us like crazy and accelerate our destiny just by showing up to his appointment gathering at Rosh Hashanah! Most great Awakenings and revivals were preceded by a huge fasting and praying movement. I have never seen so many ministers and Believers on long water fasts as I am seeing right now. (We just came off an extended fast ourselves) This is a sign of a great awakening that God is preparing many for. This September during Rosh Hashanah I truly believe that something will be unleashed that we have never experienced before due to the massive fasting and the timing. This is called Convergence! When everything lines up and the "Suddenlies" of God take place! It is important to realize that during these "Kairos" (opportune moment, appointed day, due season) times, HUGE things occur in the heavenly realms and situations are shifted into proper alignment and position. So, it is important that we get in sync on Earth with what is happening in Heaven in order to receive the download of information God is wanting to pour out on us during these special times of year. We have had so many amazing testimonies of people's ministries, businesses, miracles and families launched after being immersed in last year's Rosh Hashanah gathering! It's called being in the right place at the right time with the right people in a fresh move of God! It doesn't get any better than that. "Knowing what God is about to do and positioning yourself for it is the key to riding the wave of God's move on the earth with great blessing and favor." We have never been so excited about these meetings, as what occurs in these meetings will ignite a huge harvest of souls and awakening the likes that we have never seen before in our lifetime! The great Awakening of America is already starting! 2018 is a key year for the beginning of birth pains of the last great harvest! Something new has been birthed in Phoenix especially at our last conference like never before! There is a HUGE momentum in the spirit right now. The last conference was the most packed we have ever seen as people are flying in from all over the USA! This time we will be meeting during the open heavens timing of Rosh Hashanah where God promises a special blessing from Heaven. You never want to miss these divine dates on God's calendar. They make the difference between breaking through into a new victory in this season or going around the same mountain for another season. Joshua Mills will be joining us! He operates with miraculous signs and wonders that testify of Jesus Christ. Traveling to more than sixty nations around the world, he has been creating a realm of glory wherever he goes, with a clear message that "praise changes the atmosphere." Warren Marcus the author of the bestselling book, "The Priestly Blessing" will release to us fresh revelation and heavenly encounters as he released the most powerful revelation and visitation that we have ever experienced to date. Also, Prophet Bob Hazlett will be with us. This man has one of the most accurate prophetic gifts and mantles we have ever seen. He will release the prophetic word of what God is saying and doing in this hour over the conference and at times individuals. Dr. David Herzog has seen a major increase in the glory, power, and prophetic mantle on his life. The spirit of Awakening has infused him with a fresh mantle to see entire cities open up to the Gospel around the world with salvations, miracles and signs following in stadiums, civic centers, conferences and revivals. He often prophesies and ministers into governments, over Presidents and Prime Ministers, mayors as well as those in the Hollywood/Entertainment industry and is a bestselling author. Stephanie Herzog flows in a powerful prophetic seer gift as well as life transforming revelatory teaching in conferences, stadiums and revivals. She also flows in a powerful healing/miracle and deliverance gift as she herself was healed of Leukemia at a young age. Stephanie is also an author of her latest book, "God is your Matchmaker." Steve Swanson will be taking us into the greater glory. When he leads worship, angels are everywhere, and the thick glory of God abounds. The worship alone in the meetings is life changing. GOOD NEWS: God has chosen Arizona to host the next great harvest in America! | | A 3rd Great Awakening is starting and Phoenix, Arizona is ground zero for many prophetic words that Arizona will model the new thing about to occur in America. I have never in my lifetime seen a paradigm shift this big as what's starting to occur in America! What you do this year to align with God will determine the course of your life for many years as this is a Kairos year unlike any other. What you do this year and how you position yourself has great eternal consequence on your destiny. September is when the new beginnings and paradigm shift occur! We have never been so excited in our spirit as we are this year. This will be a divine appointment with the GREATER GLORY unlike any other time in history at the timing God is calling in His chosen ones, so HE can unleash on them the greater glory, power, favor and assignments that He has reserved for such a time as this. Now is the time! The USA is on a comeback both spiritually and as a nation as an Awakening has started behind the scenes that has not been seen since the last Great Awakening! God often starts new things during His feasts and empowers His people for the great worldwide shifts during this time. It is a time when Believers, who honor these days and set aside time to be with God, position themselves to receive great heavenly visitations which open them to huge favor, blessings and divine alignment with the new thing He is doing. You don't want to miss the impartation that God has for you this September 2018 in Phoenix! This year, we don't want you to miss that appointment! So, we are creating an environment where you can come and be saturated with God in a powerfully anointed heavenly glory filled atmosphere. This summer, David Herzog Ministries will be hosting the Glory Awakening in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona September 6-9, 2018 And, we want you to be there! WARNING: This conference will fill out very fast as the last one did! Please reserve your spot now before there is NO MORE ROOM to fit you... Make plans now to be with us at the Summer of Glory Festival Sept 6-9, 2018 and position yourself to enter into this season as one aligned correctly for awakening in your life, in your Church, and in America! At Glory Awakening, you can expect to: • | Pick up the spirit of revival | • | Experience the Glory on new levels | • | Discover your New Beginnings | • | Enter into your new season of destiny and awakening | • | Pass-over into your own promised land | • | Move into greater access and flow in the Glory of God | • | Experience healing, miracles, signs and wonders | • | Hear God more clearly for your life | This 4-day event will be a time of revival fire impartation converging on the Southwest region of the United States with miracles, healings, signs and wonders, to awaken and ignite fresh prayer for a national revival and unveil prophetic revelation for the amazing days ahead! IMPORTANT: Don't wait, register today! We expect to be fully packed out very soon. Please register while there is still advanced seating available. Global speakers that are generals in the faith have a special urgent message directly from God to release for His people during this time. | | Location: DOUBLETREE BY HILTON PHOENIX - TEMPE 2100 S. PRIEST DRIVE TEMPE, AZ 85282 PHONE#: (800) 528-6481 Nearest Airport: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)  Date: September 6-9, 2018 | | Come immerse yourself in the glory with these dynamic and anointed speakers! |  | Joshua Mills is an internationally recognized ordained minister of the Gospel, recording artist, keynote conference speaker, best-selling author and visionary who worships and preaches by standing within the cloud and ministering directly from the glory unto the people. Wherever he goes the Lord confirms His Word with miraculous signs and wonders that testify of Jesus Christ. Traveling to more than sixty nations around the world, he has been creating a realm of glory wherever he goes, with a clear message that "praise changes the atmosphere." Joshua and his wife, Janet, have ministered to millions around the world through radio, television and online webcasts. They currently reside in London, Ontario, Canada along with their children; Lincoln, Liberty and Legacy. |  | Warren Marcus is an Author, Filmmaker, TV Producer and Speaker and ordained Messianic Jewish Minister. In the 1980's, Warren was ordained in the Southern Baptist denomination as a Messianic Jewish Minister. Ever since his salvation in 1974, Warren became an avid student of the Word of God. His desire has been to better understand the unity of Scripture contained in the entire Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. His heart is to help the Body of Messiah understand the Jewish Roots and foundation of the New Covenant. The God of Israel has imparted to Warren many profound insights from the Holy Scriptures that have impacted the lives of those who have heard his teachings. He has been writing and recording the things that GOD has revealed to him, so that many might be able to enter into a deeper personal and supernatural relationship with the Most High God of Israel, YAWEH our ELOHIM. |  | Bob Hazlett is a proven prophetic voice speaker, author, and mentor, as well as the founder of Future Perspectives ministry. He travels extensively throughout the United States and internationally, with strong healing and prophetic gifts accompanying his ministry. His teaching and prophetic ministry has been featured on GodTV, TBN, Daystar and Bethel TV. Bob Hazlett is a friend to leaders and a sought-after speaker and author. Strong healing and prophetic gifts follow his ministry. Bob has a passion to empower people in the spiritual gifts in order to fulfill their life purpose. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States and Internationally. Bob lives in Connecticut with his wife Kimberly and two daughters April and Abby. |  |  | David & Stephanie Herzog are the founders of David Herzog Ministries. Their passion is to live in the Presence and Greater Glory of God through intimacy with God in the Holy Spirit, to equip Believers to do the greater works and to bring the Gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world in stadiums, revivals, conferences and mentoring. David and Stephanie have been in full time ministry for over 26 years since 1991 and have lived in the U.S as well as in France with their family. Taking the glory to the nations with miracles and signs following across the USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East and beyond is how they live their life, through ministering in stadiums, conferences, revivals and outreaches and one on one all over the world on every continent. | Worship  | And worship with Steve Swanson, he has traveled throughout the world leading people in worship. He has led worship in conferences with many powerful ministries of the Kingdom such as: Randy Clark, Heidi Baker, David Herzog, Patricia King, Paul Keith Davis, Bill Johnson, JoAnn McFatter, Julie Meyer, Joshua Mills and many more. Steve carries a powerful anointing and impartation in worship, intercession, and prophecy, which creates an atmosphere of breakthrough in worship and opens the heavens. His unique gifting and passion allow worshipers to experience freedom, joy, and intimacy with the Lord. Steve has released 20 worship CD's and continues to record and produce CDs. Steve and his wife Lisa oversee Friends of the Bridegroom Worship Ministries, a ministry dedicated to the release of His creativity in worship, the arts and healing. | | Schedule: September 6-9, 2018 Thursday, September 6 7:00 PM Session 1 Friday, September 7 10:00 AM Session 2 2:00 PM Session 3 7:00 PM Session 4 Saturday, September 8 10:00 AM Session 5 2:00 PM Session 6 7:00 PM Session 7 Sunday, September 9 2:00 PM Session 8 7:00 PM Session 9 | $30.00 - Registration Rate ($10 per session Walk-In) Please register each person separately. Registration is Non-Refundable. Contact: (480) 867- 1793 for more information PLEASE NOTE: Childcare is not available | | | | |  | |  | August 6, 2018 | | | | | |