There is such depth in his latest article as he recently saw visions of some heavenly books and what was written in!
Enjoy this vision by Demontae, as we see God open heavenly books in our favor! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Dear friends and Believers,
While prophesying to a gentleman recently, I saw a vision with my spiritual eyes of a huge book open in front of me. The book was brown and had a golden, spiral binding. The pages flew open and the words "FAITHFUL IN SPITE IT ALL" were highlighted to me. I knew God wanted me to prophesy to this man of God that he had been faithful to God in spite of every circumstance and challenge that had presented itself in his life. When I shared these words he began to weep, cry and praise God.
What's Written in Your Heavenly Book?
Did you know there are books in Heaven written about your life? These books contain detailed information about your walk with God. There are divine times and seasons when the angels of Heaven are instructed by God to open these books. The judgments of God are rendered based on what are contained in these books. The word "judgment" often carries with it a negative connotation. A judgment may be a punishment, but it can also be a decree issued in a person's favor. When a person wins a lawsuit in court it can be said, "The judge judged in their favor." God has divine judgments in favor of those who have been faithful to His name and Word.
The prophet Malachi records in Chapter 3 of his writing how our heavenly book is opened before God. Malachi 3:16, "Then they that feared the Lord spoke to one another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name."
Here God has a special book of remembrance created just to immortalize conversations that those who feared God's name had. Many during this period had descended into wickedness, idolatry and sin. God valued those that feared His name through this prophetic act. I believe later in life these same individuals received healing, prosperity, favor, and blessings for their children when their book of remembrance was reopened before God.
The angels of God are made aware of our heavenly account book and are sent to help us based on what has been written about us. Cornelius is mentioned in Acts 10:2 as, "A devout man, and one that feared God with all of his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always." Later in the chapter an angel visited Cornelius and said, "Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God." The angel repeats what was spoken about Cornelius earlier in the verse. Also, the word "remembrance" is used again here, just like in Malachi.
Consistency is Key
You may have very little written in your heavenly book, but through repentance God will begin to create you a new book. Cornelius' consistency in fearing the Lord, giving to the poor, and praying created him a book of remembrance. Consistency is not only the key to our actions being recorded in Heaven but also to receiving breakthrough.
Proverbs 12:24 says, "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule..." A diligent person is a consistent person. Just like Olympic athletes we must be consistent in our walk with God and following His Spirit. Also, we don't want to just do works for the sake of doing works, but they must be done in love.
Galatians 5:6, "...but faith which worketh by love."
The Word Works—Prayer Can Open Your Book!
Did you know that you can pray and ask God to open your books? Also, we can ask God to open others' books of remembrance and bring blessings into their lives. Once I was in great need and prayed, "God I have been faithful. You said in Your Word the laborer is worthy of their reward! I have been laboring and want my reward." A few hours later a young lady blessed me with the exact amount that I had petitioned God for. The Word works and understanding the inner workings of the Kingdom of God will allow us to better access the divine promises setup for us by Christ.
The apostle John saw books opened in Revelation 20:12 (emphasis mine), "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life..." The Lamb's Book of Life is God's record of individuals who are heirs set to inherit eternal salvation and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Let's pray for our family, friends, co-workers, and loved ones that their names are written in this great book! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Demontae Edmonds
Freedom 4 the Nations
Demontae Edmonds serves the Kingdom of God as servant, prophet, and apostolic leader. He has ministered throughout the United States and abroad. His heart is to reveal the reality of Jesus Christ and the glory of God in a real and tangible way. God has used him to bring healings, deliver major prophetic words for nations, economies and top church and secular leaders in several nations. He has accurately prophesied detailed events, including US elections, Nigeria's 2016 elections, and other specific world events. Apostle Edmonds resides in Virginia and is proudly the husband of Jessica and they have two lovely children.
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