From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I have to say my interest is highly piqued in two articles we are posting today...this one by Nate Johnston and another by Demontae Edmonds.
Both write about the books of Heaven and what God is doing in them...right now!
I hope you receive this fresh prophetic word from the Lord through Nate:
He is asking you today, "Will you allow Me to flood the pages of your life with My goodness? Will you allow Me into your heart afresh to heal, restore, and fill you? Will you leave the past behind and write the pages of history with Me?"
God wants to do mighty things for you...and He wants to write His-story in your book! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Vision of the Books of Destiny: You Are Turning a New Page!"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
I was praying recently one night when I had a vision of the Lord opening the pages of people's books in Heaven. What was highlighted to me first was that many chapters of these books were disjointed, with whole blank pages, torn pages, and pages where the sentences suddenly stopped. Secondly, I noticed that each of them had whole sections of the book where they were titled with chapters and headings but nothing was yet written.
From outward appearances these were poorly written books but the Lord was so invested in them as He was reading them, because they were obviously highly valuable to Him. After I saw this, I asked the Lord what I saw as well as what it meant. He said to me that the books I saw were indeed the pages of people's lives, but they were actually destiny books that contained the purposes and plans of God for each one of us!
Chapters of Transition
Many people right now are in the uncomfortable chapters, where it feels like their seasons have been disjointed and doesn't make any sense, which is what I sensed when I saw them. It appeared as if chapter 4 didn't seem to match chapter 3, and so on. In this season of transition, many have felt lost and highly confused about where they are headed because their past season was so different than the one before them; they are feeling visionless as if they are in foreign territory.
The Lord said to me, "Only I can connect what needs to be connected. Only I can orchestrate what needs to be orchestrated. Where you see inconsistency and lack of direction I have been re-directing you. I am making the chapters of your life all come together in this season as you lean into Me, trust Me, and allow Me to do what only I can do." (Photo via Unsplash)
The Torn Pages
The Lord began to speak to me about the torn pages and said to me that they represent the failure and ruin that many have experienced in previous seasons, but especially recently. I felt His grief as He highlighted broken marriages, loss, disaster and ruin that had come to people and homes. There was such a brokenness over the fact that many had been so deeply torn in their hearts and overshadowed by trauma. I hear the Father saying so tenderly, "Come out of hiding. That...(continue reading)