| Elijah List sends FREE encouraging daily Prophetic Words thanks to our sponsors (For more information, or if you would like to become a sponsor, click here) | | | A Huge Harvest is coming... The Lord is moving...Revival is already breaking out in spots around the world.
| But is YOUR church ready? | - Is your church effectively reaching and winning the lost?
- Is your church raising up enough powerful leaders?
- Is your church making disciples who reproduce spiritually?
As I travel the earth coaching churches, I am gripped by two things: First, the quality of the pastors and leaders I meet. I am so impressed by the vision, passion and potential I find. Secondly, at the same time, I am deeply troubled by the fact that most churches, even the ones where God's presence and power are manifested, are not effectively reaching the lost, making disciples or equipping leaders. In short, their churches are not growing. If we are hoping to receive a huge harvest, we must get ready. Maybe you're not a pastor or senior leader... but you resonate with what we're saying. Please pass this on to your pastor or leader. | | What's missing? We must learn to do Church as a Family! - God's original plan for extending His Kingdom is FAMILY.
- Human creation was based on family.
- The nation of Israel came from a family.
- Because of Jesus, we are born-again into a family, adopted as are SONS and DAUGHTERS of God!
- The Church is a family... a supernatural family, that is supposed to be reproducing.
Paul says in Ephesians 3:14-15 that "...for this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in Heaven and on earth derives its name." | |  | The Family is to reproduce. The Church is to reproduce spiritually. | It's about multiplication so that every member is mobilized to serve – according to their gifts and passions – to fulfill the calling of God on their lives – resulting in reaching the lost and reproducing spiritually. | Most churches are missing this; that's why we started the Q2Q Church Growth Track | Q2Q... that means focus on Quality and the result will be Quantity. | We want to have both. We can have both. We want churches that are loving and dynamic, and strong in truth, and full of the presence and power of God... But ALSO reaching the lost and making disciples who reproduce. Q2Q does just that! We put together a program that combines a 12 week live Boot Camp with live weekly classes, video courses, a 24 month Action Plan, and personal coaching that helps pastors learn the essential factors to lead their churches to health and growth. It's a complete approach – we don't just give you a bunch of information, we help you walk it out in real life (because we've done it ourselves). Imagine having a coach who is available to talk to. That's what we do. It's based primarily on the Biblical models of Jesus making disciples and Paul in planting churches throughout the Roman world, as well as the rest of the New Testament teaching about the Cchurch and the Christian life. It's also based on Pastor's Coach founder and CEO Michael Brodeur's experience planting a church in San Francisco in the 80s that became the largest evangelical church the City had seen in a generation. That's combined with the best practices of a landmark study of over 40,000 churches done by the Fuller Institute of Church Growth. And we see the fruit in the pastors we are working with. | Q2Q Church Growth Track - Elijah List subscribers discount | Go to this page for more information and to get the Elijah List subscriber discount. Boot Camps start Sept 12 & 13th! Click here to see the offer | The Track is making a huge impact! | The pastors who have gone through the Boot Camp are telling us how it has completely revolutionized them and their ministry – and they are just getting started. That's not hype! Every pastor tells us how much they've been impacted. Their minds are literally blown as they make crucial paradigm shifts about family, leadership, discipleship, people development, destiny, apostolic small groups, and more. They often tell us that it's like drinking through a fire hose as they make the shift to a supernatural church family that is healthy, and focused on making disciples that fulfill God's call on their lives. This note was from Mike Harding last April after just one month: "...It's not a program. It's a total paradigm shift for ministry, out of traditionalism and into the leadership model and church building strategy that Jesus intended. I get the big picture... When I understood that personal leadership development and small group team ministry were higher priority than the weekend service, my life changed forever. No going back." — Mike Harding, Senior Pastor, Love Gospel Church, Apache Junction, AZ, USA" And this is from Mike several months later: I am in the sixth week of running three prototype "Destiny groups." Everybody loves them. I love them. They are brilliant. Also, I am doing 15-20 meetings per week with current leaders, future leaders in training, and a few slots for other church members and new attenders. I am very happy and excited to see the amazing breakthroughs and rapid spiritual growth that is happening before my eyes. It seems to me like highly accelerated growth, but I think that's just the way it looks in contrast to the slow spiritual growth I was seeing before (from just doing teaching meetings in a group setting). It's a big difference! The younger people and newer Believers are shocking me with their level of hunger for spiritual mentoring and coaching. They are like sponges! The older people and older Christians are, predictably, a bit less hungry. But it's all still super encouraging. I'm walking in a level of clarity and faith and purpose that's way higher than ever before, and many people in my church feel it." | We are offering Elijah List subscribers a special discount | Go to this page for more information and to get the Elijah List subscriber discount. Boot Camps start Sept 12 & 13th! Click here to see the offer |
| Free Webinars on Church Health and the Q2Q Church Growth Track. Register at https://pastorscoach.com/webinar/ | | More Testimonials | | | | "Pastor's Coach is an amazing new organization designed to help pastors and leaders build thriving churches that transform their cities for Christ." C. Peter Wagner, Former Professor of Church Growth, Fuller Seminary | | | | "I so appreciate Michael Brodeur and his heart to invest in pastors and leaders. One of the best I know. He's made a huge impact on my own life." Banning Liebscher, Director, Jesus Culture Movement and Senior Pastor, Jesus Culture Church | | | | "I just can't recommend pastors coach highly enough. It's been an absolute life change for myself personally as a senior leader, but also the things it has helped us to do as a leadership team." Matt and Julie Stutzman, Senior Pastors, Church at Baltimore | | | | Don't miss this special discount for Elijah List subscribers | Go to this page for more information and to get the Elijah List subscriber discount. Boot Camps start Sept 12 & 13th! Click here to see the offer | Call Us | If you're got questions or want to learn more about the topics mentioned, our courses and program, give us a call. We answer the phone (or call you right back) 916-467-9934 We also answer email and can do a live Skype session to anywhere around the world. Email info@pastorscoach.com If you want to Skype, email us first and we'll arrange it. | | Pastor's Coach provides training, assessments, and coaching to pastors, leaders, churches and Christian organizations around the world. We have worked with or partnered with YWAM, Catch the Fire, Global Legacy, Dunamis Movement, Harvest in Ministry, Wagner Leadership Institute, Partners in Harvest, Global Awakening, The River Revival Network and Global Celebration. Our vision is to see pastors and leaders ministering in health and empowering every Believer in every church to be mobilized to fulfill their God-given calling, according to their gifts and passion, extending the Kingdom and reaching the lost. | | **Note: You will not be ordering this item from The Elijah List. Your order will be processed on The Pastor's Coach site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product. | | |  | |  | August 31, 2018 | | | | | |