From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Dear Elijah List and Elijah Streams friends!
Below is a great, FRESH WORD through Candice Simmons.
Each day, we hand-pick the "best of the best" words for you.
Hey, here is a quick message from James Goll for this end-of-the-year GIVING TIME.
Now is TRULY the VERY BEST TIME FOR YOU TO GIVE to receive a year-end Tax Receipt for 2018.
These are crucial days for us to raise money to fund this ministry into 2019.
Thanks so MUCH for your generosity.
If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, or by postal mailing your donation to:
Elijah List Ministries
528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321
Thank you and God bless you!
Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders
Elijah List Ministries

"I Am About to Do a Great Reveal"
Candice Simmons, Wichita, KS
As Christmas day approaches, I've been pondering the Christmas story along with the mystery and mysticism surrounding it. So many supernatural things took place at the birth of Jesus: how He came in the form of a tiny baby to a virgin, all the angelic messengers, and the unlikely visit by the kings. It was all totally astounding if you really stop to think about it. And as astounding as it was, it was hidden from most of the world until God's appointed time of His unveiling. Wow! I don't think we have really ever grasped the half of what took place.
As I was pondering all the mysterious ways that God works and shows up, I heard the Lord say, "I am coming to show up and show off! Look for Me and you will see Me in places that I have always been but you missed Me because you weren't looking for Me there."
"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). He is going to reveal Himself to you in multiple ways this Christmas season!
Surely The Lord is in This Place
Down through the annals of history, God showed up when men/women least expected it, but needed Him the most! When Jacob was running from His brother Esau after stealing the birthright, he decided to stop at Bethel for the night. As he slept, he dreamed of a heavenly ladder with angels going up and down. It was then that he heard the voice of the Lord, God, renewing the covenant given to his forefathers now being given to him. And he thought, "...Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it" (Genesis 28:16).
He is also in covenant with you and will come to you in your hour of need. I know because I've been there too! One of the prayers I have probably cried out the most over the years has been, "Lord, I need You!" And I have seen His faithfulness in my life over and over. Now after years of walking with Him and gaining a little more understanding of how much He truly loves me, I don't say "I need You, Lord," so much anymore like I used too. (Photo via Unsplash)
Instead, I find myself saying, "I love You, Lord," for I'm always looking for Him to show up every day (Proverbs 8:34). In fact, He is ever present IN us, working to do His good pleasure in and through us as we yield to Him (Philippians 2:13). I hear Him saying... (continue reading)