December 23, 2018 "The One Obsession We Should Have" John Belt, Cincinnati, OH From the Desk of Steve Shultz: Dear Elijah List and Elijah Streams friends! Below is a great, FRESH WORD through John Belt. Each day, we hand-pick the "best of the best" words for you. Hey, here is a quick message from James Goll for this end-of-the-year GIVING TIME. Now is TRULY the VERY BEST TIME FOR YOU TO GIVE to receive a year-end Tax Receipt for 2018. These are crucial days for us to raise money to fund this ministry into 2019. Thanks so MUCH for your generosity. If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, or by postal mailing your donation to: Elijah List Ministries 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321 Thank you and God bless you! Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders Elijah List Ministries  ************************************* "The One Obsession We Should Have" John Belt, Cincinnati, OH  In our lives, we will always find ourselves occupied with something. There is always a particular thing that takes most of our attention, time and focus. Jesus pulls us aside to show us the one thing we should be most obsessed with, and that is the Person of Who He is and His Kingdom. Can you think of anything more important in your life than God, Himself? He is the One Who created us, fashioning us in His image. In order for us to live the way we were meant to live, He has to be first. How simple and essential this is. People are finding lots of things to take their minds in different directions. The One Obsession Just as man has to have something to worship as he was created to worship, so those affections need to be redirected toward God. When we discover the place where He occupies our thoughts, even the things that please Him—the truths are in His Word, worship, prayer and His promises—all of these things create a synergy together making us a life that is completely surrendered to Him. When the purpose of all that we do is so that we can serve God more effectively, then we have gained a right focus and perspective in this life of what is really important. The more we can do things with an intent to glorify God, to know Him better and serve His greater purposes on Earth, then we begin to live from Heaven's vantage point. David said, "Create a clean heart in me, Oh God," (Psalm 51:10). Why? So that he could be a vessel that was worthy and pleasing to the Lord. His ulterior motive was that His Spirit, the presence of God, would not be taken away from him. David realized the value of the presence of God in his life, as he had known it from a young age. David learned the value of the presence through engaging with God in worship in the context of music and song. He knew this place of God's manifested presence. It was more than a thought. It was a tangible experience that he entered into over and over again. What this created in David was an obsession, even an addiction, to be with God. It was something he could not do without. Is that your story? Where Would I Be Without Jesus? Mary Magdalene had a similar experience where she had been made free of a life of shame and sadness. Prior to Jesus going to the Cross, she expressed that thankfulness to Jesus, pouring expensive perfume upon His feet in worship. Just the thought of Jesus not being with her any longer caused her desperate heart to pour out in thankfulness with a lavish offering. She was thinking, "Where would I be without Jesus?" He was the One Person she knew she could not do without. She was obsessed with Him. God wants to create a passion and obsession in our hearts for Him, where nothing else gets in the way. Many of the problems and issues people experience is rooted in a lack of passion for God. Misguided affections cause people to fall away from the first love they had with Jesus. Some have lost the reality of the experience in God's presence, the satisfaction that comes from being in communion with His Spirit. The Lord says that when we seek Him with our "whole hearts" we will find Him. Ask God to give you a whole-hearted desire to seek Him first. To seek God first means you will have to sacrifice different things in your life. When you begin to take steps in that direction He will meet you there to encourage you to keep laying things down. Give your best offering to the Lord, experience the satisfaction of His presence, and give it all over to Him for He is your everything. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) John and Brandi Belt Overflow Global Ministries Email: Website: John and Brandi Belt are the leaders of Overflow Global Ministries. The heart of their message is that God's greatest desire is to indwell His people with His presence. They believe that man was created to be inhabited by God through His Spirit. With a sincere devotion to God through the Holy Spirit, people can live in a place of overflow in His presence. This overflow translates into touching the lives of others through living encounters with God. When John and Brandi minister, the intimate presence of God is manifest – being accompanied with demonstrations of God's power to heal, revive, and restore. John Belt's Itinerary: February 8-9, 2019 Intimacy & Glory with Mahesh Chavda (for more information click here) ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Alveda King's book by Elijah List Publications: America Return to God: Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 email: Phone 1-541-926-3250 |