From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Doug Addison is one of our most popular writers...and many of you look forward to reading what Doug has to share about the season(s) we are in.
His word for the new year is a must read and I hope you forward on to everyone you know. Yes, as confirmed over and's a time to STEP IT UP in our prayer life as Doug shares here:
The gift of the "watch of the Lord"—prophetic intercessors and watchers on the "walls" of the Lord are going to be a critical part of what God is doing this year. The Lord is going to raise up prophetic intercession groups that will get the plans of the enemy in advance and stop attacks, weather and disasters.
I encourage you all to form your own intercessory groups as you feel lead. Watchmen in prayer are wanted and needed greatly!
Be blessed and encouraged by Doug's words below. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Prophetic Word for 2019: Your Book of Life is Opening"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
This is the year of the Lord's favor for you. No matter when you read or listen to this message, you can receive this prophetic word from the Lord because He is outside of the confines of time and space.
What is Coming This Year
"And as He was praying, Heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from Heaven: 'You are My Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased.' Now Jesus Himself was about thirty years old when He began His ministry." (Luke 3:21-23 NIV)
I heard the Lord say that He is moving right now to bring about chapters 3 and 4 of the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus was baptized and received the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
The Father spoke a message of love to Jesus. He heard the Father confirm what He was about to do. Get ready for the Lord to open the heavens over you and to receive new power from the Holy Spirit. The Lord is going to speak to you about your identity, your calling, and His unending love for you. You are going to receive new revelation and power. God is going to open your book like He did with Jesus and reveal your assignment for this season.
God Is Moving on Millennials
Though we can expect God to move on everyone, there is going to be a special group that the Lord is going to begin to awaken this year. Just as Jesus was 30 years old when He began His ministry, so the Lord is awakening Millennials—those who are in their 30s and considered Millennials. We are going to see those who have not been interested in the Lord suddenly awaken and find their purpose.
Wilderness Times Are Ending
"Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days He was tempted by the devil." (Luke 4:1-2 NIV)
Right after Jesus received power from Heaven, He went through a short wilderness time. Wilderness and testing times help strengthen and prepare us to walk in greater intimacy and authority. Many of us have already been in a wilderness time. Expect to come out of the dark night of the soul and into God's bright light that is going to heal and restore many areas of your life. (Photo via Unsplash)
Your Book Is Opening
"The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." (Luke 4:18-19 NIV)
If you look at Luke 3:22-4:21 in your Bible, you will see the process the Lord is calling us into this year. One of the first things that Jesus spoke publicly was the fulfillment of this prophecy from Isaiah 61. You might say this was Jesus' mission statement or life purpose. These were His guiding Bible verses and spoke of who He was and what He was called to do. God is empowering you to do this, as well.
• God has sent you to proclaim Good News—even if you are not a preacher.
• He has sent you to proclaim freedom for people who are imprisoned in pain or sickness.
• He has sent you to help people who are spiritually or physically blind.
• He has sent you to set the oppressed free.
Watch for your... (continue reading)