From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a combo article by both Anne Marie Molster and Amie Rogers who often write together as a team.
This is full of prophetic exhortation for the masses and I believe many of you will be moved by this word they share:
The "Marked Ones" will be announced by the number of miraculous manifestations surrounding them. They have been through the heavenly processes. Their testimonies of what all the Lord has done and desires to do for each and every one of His children, His Bride, will be decreed and declared over the nations!
Be encouraged marked ones...God is moving on your behalf! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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Anne Marie (L) and Amie Rogers (R) "God is Redeeming Your Time!" and "His Marked Ones will be Announced!"
Anne Marie Molster and Amie Rogers
A Proverbs 10 Year
by Anne Marie Molster
The Lord has watched you as you long for the day that you will walk fully in this world. He has heard your cry as you have tried to survive in your circumstances. He has witnessed you give up your personal desires for your life and grab hold of His plans for you. He is now bringing to the forefront of your life that which you claim to matter most, that which will move you further into His will.
Your time that has been robbed by the enemy, the busyness that he created to distract you, will be restored. God will redeem your time and energy as He multiplies your productivity for His Kingdom in this season! He will move you into a place where you will serve Him without hindrance; your time and resources will be purposed for Him. As you have given these things to God, He will move in each of these very areas of your life. He will supply increased strength and power to you as you move in faith and take each predestined step forward for Him.
The Lord says, "You are on the brink of production! You are moving out of the hands of the enemy's destruction. He has tried to kill and destroy the very purpose for which I created you! You are breaking free from the tethers that bind you! As I restore your time, you will be able to expedite the tasks at hand with newfound energy, creativity and resources. You shall enter into a place where your needs are met. Time and materials will be at your fingertips! What was lost, shall be found—AND MULTIPLIED!
"Your current life will become unrecognizable as I move in areas that are unseen. In My perfect timing they shall be revealed as to bring glory to My name and growth to My Kingdom. Your days have been numbered with everlasting purpose—MY PURPOSE! (Photo via Unsplash)
"What belongs to Me shall be given to you in order to do My will. You will not lack for any good thing, as it will be poured down from Heaven in an abundance that will move you in the transition from one year to the next. 2019 will bring to fruition My promises over you and My Son, Jesus Christ, and will be magnified through you! I have chosen you, much like a ripened grape out of a cluster of rotten ones. You have been sustained by your willingness to cling to the vine! You didn't linger, being loosely held by a thread. You grew in strength and connected yourself ever so tightly so that you would not fall before My harvest! I have preserved you for this reason. You are of My remnant that has been chosen for the end of times."
Scriptures to be encouraged by this year from... (continue reading)