It turns out that we – that is, Derene and me – are lovers of both cats and dogs!
But once in a while, we've gotten a bad deal out of a pet. Have you ever wished you could trade a bad pet for a better one?
So meet
"Annie" the FRAIDY CAT who has taught me a great deal about my relationship with the Lord. Annie was a rescue, just like you and me are all rescues by the LORD HIMSELF.
We've had Annie almost 10 years now. She was a feral cat before. Raised only outdoors. A young woman at the pound took her in and after that, we adopted Annie.
For 10 long years, we've faithfully taken care of her: food, water, and love.
And what do we get for it? |
After 10 years, if Annie sees us coming, she RUNS FULL SPEED the other way, as if we were her bitter enemy. This always causes Derene and me to look at each other and just shake our heads in disbelief! What will it take for this cat to believe we are NOT GOING TO HURT HER!
Derene has a bit more grace with her because she was adopted first by a woman and also because Derene feeds her. Annie knows how she gets fed. So, from time to time, she comes for attention by Derene and insists on attention whether Derene wants to give it or not.
But if Derene dares to so much as stand up, Annie bolts!

And she is so afraid of the unknown of the outdoors, that she is not even tempted to run outside. When we bring in groceries, we just leave the front door open because "Fraidy Cat" is not going near that door.
Man, has this behavior taught me volumes about my relationship with the Lord. He takes care of our every need, feeds us, clothes us, forgives us, and then, when He gets just a bit too close, we run for the hills.
I have spent a great deal of my life being like Annie with the Lord. Many times over the decades, I've run the other way when God was near. And dare HE ask that we give more money, that's like Him walking down the hall and me running in the opposite direction.
As of this writing, I'm 63 years old and I've made it a practice in the last decade to go beyond my fear and give. And do you think this gets easier? It does not. Derene and I now try to give 20% of our gross pay to the Lord. You would think that would get pretty easy but each paycheck, right off the top, we subtract 20% from the gross wages and give it to various ministries, that is, we tithe 10% to our local church and we give another 10% to various ministries.
There comes a point when we have had to learn once again, HE IS TRUSTWORTHY and HE IS NOT GOING TO ATTACK US. He rescued us after all. The ONE who rescues does not turn on us. |
So once again, and over the last 10 years, I keep seeing in the form of fraidy cat Annie, how I often have behaved with God.
I'm saying that the only way to break the "Fraidy Cat Syndrome" with God is to give and then give again. And guess what. It's VERY hard to give 20% because God keeps growing our income so we then need to give away yet more money.
What a funny dilemma...Give and it will be multiplied back to you, at which time you need to give to the Lord. A fun cycle.
We are just one of the many worthy ministries you might consider giving to, of course. But if Elijah List ministries has been a great help to you over the years, would you consider sending a donation to support this ministry?
It will do wonders to the Fraidy Cat Syndrome we often experience, I promise you. We have literally never been able to outgive to the Lord. The more we give, the more HE GIVES BACK. Derene and I want to thank you in advance for your generous financial support.
Bless you all and Happy New Year  Steve and Derene Shultz ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES/ELIJAH STREAMS TV | |
Click here to donate by credit card or eCheck. |
P.S. This is Annie by the Christmas Tree this year. She has placed herself, as always, where she can hide either under the tree or under the couch next to the tree. This was a rare moment where Ms. Annie let us take her portrait!