From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Though this year will have its challenges (and we are already seeing that in the nations) God always, always want us to be full of HOPE for the future.
Oh yes, this is a season to get really excited about!
Angela Greenig shares an awesome word for this time:
I think we should be excited about this season...I sure am! There is going to be the most radical outpouring of faith and evangelism, and prophetic releasing of God's destiny upon His people. I believe we will see a major paradigm shift that will take place throughout the lands. This is our time to move and breathe and release the fire and the faith to work miracles, signs, and wonders that will touch and impact the land for His glory.
God is preparing us for the greatest times of His outpouring upon the earth! Be encouraged in this as you read through Angela Greenig's article. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here on:
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"It's Your Time! Sky's the Limit!"
Angela Greenig, Auburn, WA
Bringing Light to the Hidden Things
At the end of December 2018, I had a vision inwhich I saw a huge hawk swooping down from high, thrusting down into the grass, to grab snakes that were hiding there away from plain sight. I believe the Lord was showing me that the snakes are like the enemy's attacks against your life. I believe the hawk represents how the Lord wants to reveal to you what is hidden and bring exposure to it, so that it can be eradicated and rendered powerless in your life.
Breaking Down 5779
"You have purpose in His Kingdom; what you do with this seed and the year ahead will be determined by you." |
I did some research on the Hebrew year, 5779, that we are in and found that the year 5779 is part of the "Ayin" decade (2010-2019), and that the letter "Tet" has the numerical value of 9. The pictograph for "Tet" looks like a snake coiled inside a basket. This symbolism signifies "the seeing eye that can detect the snake." Once I read this, I received so much confirmation from the Lord about the vision I had and the promises the Father has in store for us.
Breaking down the year 5779 further, we find that the number 57 in Hebrew means "mourning," and 79 means, "to wrestle." I feel the Father is speaking to those who have been in the trenches of warfare, wrestling for promises and feeling heavy-laden from the fight, "Hold on! Do not give up hope! Come up higher, and you will see your enemies devoured in 2019."
I believe we will see one of the greatest revivals in 2019. The challenges in your life that have held you back will fall. Threads of past failures, hurts, and rejections will wither away as His love fills you with a faith like never before. This year will also bring the greatest years of angelic visitation that we have ever witnessed! These angels will be like the hawk in my vision, coming to help remove the obstacles the enemy has placed before you. The boundaries of captivity will be destroyed.
The sky is the limit to what you can have when you pray and believe. This is your time.
2019 = Radical Faith & Redemption
Numbers are very symbolic. If we break down the year 2019, the number 20 represents "redemption," and the number 19 represents "faith." The Lord says that we will reap a return to us for what has been stolen. He is redeeming the cries of His people. Faith will arise in ways that we can't even dream about. The impossible will become possible.
I believe radical faith is arising all throughout America and other nations! I hear the Father saying, "You will see stadiums filled with My glory. You will see Me moving obstacles – mountains that have been in your way that seem impossible to move." (God called us to have faith that could move the mountains.) "Have faith in Me," says the Lord. "Tell My sons and daughters that it is time to walk by faith, and to stop walking by sight. You don't have to walk by sight! You walk by My Word, My power, My fire, and by My Spirit," says the Lord. "I will breathe on you a fresh fire – get ready!" (Photo via Unsplash)
I think we should be excited about this season...I sure am! There is going to be the most radical outpouring of faith and evangelism, and prophetic releasing of God's destiny upon His people. I believe we will see a major paradigm shift that will take place throughout the lands. This is our time to move and breathe and release the fire and the faith to work miracles, signs, and wonders that will touch and impact the land for His glory.
Wisdom & Preparation to Fulfill Your Dreams
God says, "You will receive...(continue reading)