From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This word by David Lebo should get us all really excited...because a heavy rain is coming upon us.
Are you ready for some heavy rain (spiritually) to come into your life?
Read this word of the Lord from David:
You're coming into such a heavy rain of My glory! Today: heavy rain. Tomorrow: heavy rain. Next week: heavy rain. Next year: heavy rain, heavy rain, heavy rain! You'll live in the reality of Hosea chapter 6. The weather forecast for your life is HEAVY RAIN. Wherever you go you will be under a cloud of My heavy-rain presence, wherever your feet may tread.
Now that's good! Let's just say: Yes, Lord...bring on YOUR heavy rain! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here on:
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Weather Forecast of Your Life is Heavy Rain!"
David Lebo, Hedgesville, WV
God's heart will always be to leave the ninety-nine for the one. If every service is for one person, so be it. If we all gather for just one person's breakthrough, it is worth it. God is stirring the waters just like a pool of Bethesda. The first one to jump in got what they needed from the Lord. That was then and now Jesus is the pool, and He is here for each and every one of us. If you'll jump into Jesus you'll get what you need, for God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is still Jehovah Rapha. He is still Jehovah Shalom. He is still El Shaddai—the Lord God Almighty.
The That Seed Remains
The Lord says, "Is there anything that I cannot do in your life—anything I will not do for the child of God who will just believe My Word? For My Word has gone out into all the earth; My seeds into the harvest fields. I'm looking for a place to plant My seed into fertile soil. I have found one such as this, for you are a vineyard of the Lord—a garden of My delight (Isaiah 5:7). I planted My seed deep into the soil of your life some many decades ago—10, 20, even 30 years ago. It was so deep within you, that even you forgot about the seed, but God did not forget the seed that was planted so deep in you.
"'I'm looking for one in the earth who will be broken for what breaks me! Who will be broken for the breakthrough of a nation?'" |
"There is deep water coming to do a deep work in the Body of Christ. God is looking for one in whom He can plant His seed and entrust to take care of it. He is looking for a place that it will be cared for, watered, fertilized, and tilled. The ground in you has been tilled for many years, and you said, 'God, I can't stand the tilling any more. I've pulled out every rock, every weed, every hindrance, and every obstacle for this moment.'
"I brought My fire and I burned your field to a crisp many times over. It started to grow. You thought it was the enemy, but I brought the fire. In this time, place and season your field has become charred and black, burned by My Shekinah glory—BUT THE SEED REMAINS! This seed the enemy could not steal, for it was planted so deep in you. I had to dig deep in you because in this place, in the deep place, the birds of the air could not steal it away. The enemy could not even find it because it was so deep in you. But even in the times that you forgot, I did not forget My words of promise in you, for I spoke it into you many years ago.
"In this time, I am calling it forth. It's beginning to break through the ground. It's beginning to burst forth with green, fertile growth. I see thousands of seeds breaking through the ground as fertile plants that will begin to grow. There will be super...(continue reading)