Breaking Poverty Off Your Life Experience God's Favor and Kingdom Wealth  Free Webinar with Sandie Freed on Feb 20 Have you felt as if you are experiencing a closed Heaven? Maybe you have been cycling in and out of the wilderness and are experiencing the devastating effects of poverty and lack. God's blessings are for each of us, as His children; and those blessings are meant to flow from Heaven to earth like rain falling from the clouds. As Believers in Jesus, we are at war with poverty! - Do you enjoy blessing others?
- Are you compassionate to the poor?
- Are you trying to give more or give less?
- Are you attempting to find excuses not to give to God?
- Do you trust God to take care of you and your needs?
- Are you afraid of being left out and/or not having enough?
- Have you served Mammon (materialism and greed) more than God?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are probably experiencing a closed Heaven and are influenced by a spirit of Mammon and poverty. But if you commit to war against these spirits, God will give you the victory.  God calls you BLESSED and not cursed. This occurs when you view your circumstances through the world's perspective rather than seeing yourself as who God actually created you to be—you feel inadequate and insufficient rather than taking your authority in Christ and seizing your royal inheritance. It's time to break a spirit of poverty off your life, to walk in confidence, and to experience God's favor and Kingdom wealth. In this session, you will: - Experience an open Heaven, ready to receive God's blessings.
- Identify the entrance of a spirit of poverty.
- Dethrone ungodly authority structures.
- Overthrow demonic strategies that produce poverty.
- Cycle out from the Midianite oppression of lack and poverty.
- Break the power of continual cycles of lack, poverty and financial instability.
- Break free from inadequacy, insecurity, inferiority and various fears.
- Position yourself to experience God's open Heaven of blessings.
- Understand how to release God's Angels of Blessing.
- Develop a strategy of reaping every harvest and experience abundance.
- Learn to walk continually in the blessings and favor of God.
Blessings to experience the blessings of Heaven in your life! Sandie Dr. Sandie Freed Founder, Sandie Freed Ministries Author, Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty  |