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The Elijah List is able to send our daily Prophetic Words free of charge because of our trusted advertising partners. (For more information, click here)
Dear Reader,
This is innovative, new AI technology.
It’s similar to that used by huge companies like Facebook, Starbucks, Spotify, Walt Disney and others.
Have you heard of “Chatbots”?
They’re new, trending and taking the internet by storm.
The world’s leading research company, Gartner predicts that...
...by next year we’ll have more conversations with Chatbots than our spouse!
By the end of this year, 85% of customer interactions will be with Bots.
So how could the average American citizen exploit this trending tech...
...and make up to $423 a day?
We’ve devised an ingenious method which requires no special skills or experience.
If you can read this email, you’ve got enough skills to get started.
**Note: You will not be ordering this item from The Elijah List. Your order will be processed on The Auto Chat Profits site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product.
Your Elijah List Daily Prophetic Word email subscription is sent to you FREE OF CHARGE and is made possible through continued sponsored advertising support. If you would like to stop your Elijah List Daily Prophetic Word e-mail subscription, please Click Here