From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
More prophetic words are coming in about this being a time of great many areas.
This is actually a good thing, as God is pouring out His justice in places where there have been great injustices.
Rebecca Greenwood shares an excellent and sobering word of the Lord about this:
I then saw Jesus back in our nation's capital. He spoke again, "During this five-year period of time, there will be historic movements that no one has expected to see. There will be historic exposures which have not been seen; exposures of corruption, and exposures of under-the-table, corrupt agreements, where deals have been made by the shaking of hands with corrupt, elite structures."
Now read the rest of this word and WATCH the hand of the Lord move across this we'll see much continually uncovered in days and years to come! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"What God Showed Me Over the Next 5 Years"
Rebecca Greenwood, Colorado Springs, CO
In my intercession time on April 23rd, the Lord brought a clear vision of the United States of America. Over the following week I had been in intercession concerning the vision, and on the morning of the National Day of Prayer, May 2, I felt the Lord prompting me to share what He revealed in order for the Church and the intercessors to pray in agreement. After submitting the word to trusted friends and prophetic voices, I was encouraged to share this vision publicly, as I strongly believe this word is an invitation for intercession.
In this vision, I saw Jesus standing above a large map of the nation. He was intentionally highlighting specific regions throughout the nation by positioning Himself above the regions that He began to speak to me about. He was maneuvering throughout the land with the intent of highlighting these regions and speaking His purposes for what He continued to call "The five-year period of grace and awakening."
Northern U.S. – Unlocking of Covenants
Initially, I saw Jesus in the northern region of the United States, and I heard Him say, "There will be an unlocking of original covenants in the land that will cause the nation to shift into righteous covenant. As this unlocking occurs it will pave a way throughout 2019, leading into 2020, and 4 years following 2020 for continued and increased righteous governance in the White House that will lead this land. This government will continue to decree righteousness through alignments with key nations, standing for life of the unborn, the supporting of Israel and the belief in Christian values and prayer."
Abortion Legislation
He then brought the focus to abortion and said... (continue reading)