"Pray Against the Spirit of Violence in Our Nation"

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August 6, 2019

"Pray Against the Spirit of Violence in Our Nation"
Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, and Steven and Rene Springer

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve Shultz     Today we are posting some important words about the spirit of violence that has risen up in our nation. One is an updated word Cindy Jacobs just sent out yesterday. Others were posted recently in late June and early July.

     These were warnings given to us all so that we can PRAY against the spirit of violence and riots raising up in our nation and the nations of the earth.

     As we just saw in the news the past few days of tragic, massive shootings in Texas and Ohio, let's rise up in fervent prayer to thwart this spirit of violence in our nation and stop the escalation.

     Below are some incredible prayer points that we can all do together...right now! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"Pray Against the Spirit of Violence in Our Nation"
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX

Update: Article sent out by Cindy Jacobs on August 5, 2019:

     Dear praying friends,

     On July 1st, I sent a Shields Up Prayer Alert (below) concerning the fact that I sensed the Lord saying to be watchful and pray over our nation and key cities as a spirit of violence had been loosed in the earth. Thankfully, we went to prayer as a nation and we have not seen an organized terror attack.

     However, on Saturday, Patrick Crusius, only 21 years old, killed at least 20 people and wounded at least 2 dozen more in an attack on a Walmart at a mall in El Paso, Texas. It is considered an act of domestic terrorism, as he targeted Hispanics in the border town. Additionally, Connor Betts, age 24, shot and killed 9 in Dayton, OH. It is not known what motivated Connor, but reports are that he has been obsessed with death for many years. He was suspended in high school for writing a hit list on a bathroom wall at the school.

     These situations are becoming "too common" and we must be more proactive in covering our home territories. We must prayer walk and prayer drive and hold prayer watches, forming something like a spiritual Neighborhood Watch. We must pray over our malls where we shop, our stadiums while we enjoy sporting events, and especially our schools where we deposit the most precious ones in our lives on a daily basis. 

     Please click here or click the picture below to hear the entire original word of warning. Take it seriously. Send it to your pastors and prayer leaders. Start a prayer watch at your church or in your neighborhood and at your schools. Be watchful and PRAY everywhere you go! 

     As I said previously, this warning from the Lord is not to cause us fear! God is so good to warn us, so we have time to intercede and turn back the enemy's plans. He wants us to pray so things cannot escalate, and so that the violence will not happen.

Join me in prayer now:

• Worship the Lord. Acknowledge that He is the Protector we need and ask for.

• Intercede for those who have recently become victims of the spirit of violence in El Paso and Dayton. Pray for healing for the wounded and comfort for those who lost loved ones. Pray for healing of trauma in those cities.

• Identificationally repent for our national sin of not relying on God. Pray the prayer that Daniel prayed in Daniel 9:4-19.

• Pray Psalm 91 over your family, over your neighborhood, over your city, over your schools and workplaces.

• Ask God to uncover any plans for violence in your area, before they can be carried out. Command every plan being conceived in darkness to get in the light!

• Boldly bind any spirit of violence at work and in your realm of influence in accordance with Matthew 16:19.

• Go and prayer walk and prayer drive your community.

• President Trump put it well when he said that the problem of shootings has been going on "for years and years" and "we have to get it stopped." There is a spiritual component and a natural one. Intercede for God's solutions to come to lawmakers, legislators, mental health professionals, law enforcement officers, educators, and any other person who can help stop these attacks in the natural.

For the healing of our nation,

Cindy Jacobs 
Generals International


Original article by Cindy Jacobs posted on the Elijah List on July 12, 2019:

     Dear praying friends,

     In a recent time of intercession, I heard some chilling words, "We're going to finish what we started." I had a sense that these were plans that terrorists were making against America.

     I also heard the Holy Spirit say that a spirit of violence has been loosed in the earth. This has been confirmed in a number of ways. I mentioned this to members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), which Mike and I convene. To a person, they agreed that they had heard something similar. Also, news reports are telling us of increased violence in some major cities in America, as well as in other countries.

Prayer Points:

• Washington DC: The Lord has specifically mentioned to me that we need to be praying against terrorist attacks in and around Washington, DC.

• Major US Cities: We will also want to cover other iconic targets in some of our major US cities.

• Iran: Holy Spirit highlighted Iran to me and the situation there, as well. I think the enemy would want to take advantage of the current conflict with Iran and escalate it.

     This warning from the Lord is not to cause us fear! God is so good to warn us, so we have time to intercede and turn back the enemy's plans. He wants us to pray so things cannot escalate, but so that the violence will never happen.

     WATCH NOW! Please click here or click the image below to hear the entire word of warning.

Shields up, Saints! 

Cindy Jacobs 
Generals International

Email: generals@generals.org
Website: www.generals.org

Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Cindy has authored books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her grandchildren.


"Prayer Alert for the Nations: The Great Divide, Hate Speech and Violence"
James W. Goll, Franklin, TN

Originally posted on the Elijah List on June 27, 2019:

     Below are recent revelations I received for the US, Persia/Iran, Peru and Venezuela. Please read through and let's pray through these to thwart what the enemy wants to do to bring division in the nations.

Hate Speech Spreading to Violence

     At the first of the year, part of my word was about a period of time called "The Great Divide." It deals with extreme polarization and hate speech spreading to violence. The remedy was a "Culture of Honor" (see Romans 12 and verse 10). Honor would be the only thing that could heal the escalating spread of hate and violence.

     I saw this in Washington DC as well, and I saw this in "Persia" – an escalation of HATE SPEECH spreading to VIOLENCE. I have seen some act of EXTREMISM that could paralyze the capital and the government, and disrupt the election process. (Note: prophetic revelation like this can be stopped or lessened by repentance and a cry for mercy. See Amos 7.)

Church Movement in Iran

     But on the positive, I have had dreams about a Great House Church Movement spreading rapidly in Iran. It would spread so fast that it would become a real threat to the extremists government. If blood shed erupts due to the potential SHIFT in Iran, a massacre of eye for eye could explode. I also saw that the archangel Michael will step in.

Prayer Movement in Peru Influencing Venezuela

     Recently I also saw a prayer army arising out of Peru. The prayer in Peru would start to shift the atmosphere over Venezuela. I saw in a dream that a People's Revolution could emerge in Venezuela then and oust the present regime.

Four Prayer Points:

1. Pray for Peru that prayer would erupt.
2. Pray that authority be given to "change the spiritual atmosphere" as nations unite in prayer over Venezuela.
3. Pray for a People's Revolution to take place.
4. Pray that the vacuum would be filled quickly, or VIOLENCE could fill the void.

Dr. James W. Goll
God Encounters Ministries

Email: info@godencounters.com
Website: www.godencounters.com

JAMES W. GOLL is the president of God Encounters Ministries and has traveled around the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of more than forty books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening and The Lifestyle of a Prophet. James is the father of four wonderful children with a growing number of grandchildren, and makes his home in Franklin, TN.



"From Revolt to Revival - God is Birthing Something Massive in America"
Steven and Rene Springer

Originally posted on the Elijah List on July 9, 2019:

From Revolt to Revival
by Steven Springer

     In a vision I saw an increase of rioting across the earth. There is a generation trying to find their voice and trying to find their identity. Let the spirit of adoption overtake the spirit of anarchy!

     Racial conflicts are not over yet but I see HOPE on the horizon! Some kind of war is going to bring unity to our nation again, something on our own soil.

     The revelation of 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 will be understood by the majority of Believers in Christ, not just the leaders and intercessors! God's desire is heal the land.

     Let's be praying for divine intervention.

The Dragon

     In a vision I saw a fire-breathing dragon that was releasing hate and death. ISIS, the media, and a young socialist-agenda generation are being steered by this dragon. We need to muzzle the beast through intercession so that justice and righteous can be established!

     "Blessed be the Lord—day after day He carries us along. He's our Savior, our God, oh yes! He's God-for-us, He's God-who-saves-us. Lord GOD knows all death's ins and outs. What's more, He made heads roll, split the skulls of the enemy as He marched out of Heaven, saying, 'I tied up the dragon in knots, put a muzzle on the deep blue sea.'" (Psalm 68:19-22)

     A youth revolt will turn to revival if we will humble ourselves and pray and put feet to our prayers. It will be a modern-day God's army. The ones in this army will be voices of fire that arise from the wilderness, moving in the power of the Spirit! (Photo via Unsplash)

     "Your people will be your love offerings, in the day of your mighty power you will be exalted, and in the brightness of your holy ones you will shine as an army arising from the womb of the dawn, anointed with the dew of your youth!" (Psalm 110:3 TPT)

Keep Alert! America is Pregnant with a Massive, Global Movement
by Rene Springer

     The whole earth is groaning for the sons and daughters of God to enter into powerful times of pure, violent intercession in which we forbid the spirit of violent hatred from ruling in our great nation and release the Kingdom realm of righteousness, peace and joy!

     "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matthew 11:12 NKJV)

     "I will give you the keys of Heaven's Kingdom realm to forbid on Earth that which is forbidden in Heaven, and to release on Earth that which is released in Heaven." (Matthew 16:19 TPT)

     In a vision I saw the spiritual womb of America pregnant with a massive movement. This movement brings an increase of power, which we must passionately grab ahold of with clean hands and pure hearts. I saw the recent excess rains across America as a spiritual indication that the water has broken and the "baby" is about to come forth. The baby in the womb represents Heaven's vision: our Father's purposes and plans. The rains also indicate a necessary washing over the land to prepare for the delivery of the baby. This washing is crucial for the Church of America.

     Beloved Church, we must present our hands and pray for them to be diligent and set apart for His works. We must present our hearts and pray for the passion of Christ to consume us in order for our hearts to be given purely to His plans. In this final crescendo, it is time for the world to see the risen Christ in the radiant Bride of Christ!

Call Forth Revival, Awakening, and Reformation!

     The enemy is fearful of this massive movement and has unleashed a murderous spirit to try to take out the baby/vision, but the sound of worship and the prayers of the saints are putting shields up. As we contend for the heartbeat of Heaven to come forth, the shields of God's wrap-around presence are protecting the baby in the womb. Like a mother giving birth, it is critical to keep calling forth revival, awakening, and reformation until it is here in its FULLNESS.

     Warrior Bride, while we do not ignore the battle we are in, we must allow the passion of Christ to now be the joy set before us as we focus on His face and endure the pain of birthing this movement. You have been called forth for such a time as this!

Keep Alert! Defeating a Spirit of Slumber

     There is a spirit of slumber that wages war against the intensity required to birth this massive movement. The same demonic spirit which dulled the disciples in the garden of Gethsemane into slumber is at work today. Beloved Bride of Christ, when we start to go to deep and intense places of sanctification and prayer, tiredness and sleepiness will try to take you over. You may physically feel drained and tired, and in that moment you need to call it out, take authority over it, posture yourself to receive more grace, pray in the Spirit, and physically get up and move around while you pray. Speak over yourself, "Awake!" and then cry out for a great awakening in America. (Photo via Unsplash)

     America is pregnant with a massive, global movement, and as the Ecclesia, we must assume our position as the mid-wife, to be fully attentive to care for this baby coming forth. Oh the ache as the pure, righteous violence of Heaven is being released and the Kingdom is bursting forth!

     "From the moment John stepped onto the scene until now, the realm of Heaven's Kingdom is bursting forth, and passionate people have taken hold of its power." (Matthew 11:12 TPT)

     With one powerful voice, before the throne of grace, let us forbid the demonic assignment of hatred/violence in our great nation and release righteousness, peace and joy as our inheritance in the land. With one P.U.S.H ("Praying Until Something Happens") let us cry out from our innermost being: "Revival, come forth! Awakening, come forth! Reformation, come forth!" Above all else, Beloved, remember to breathe and allow His life-giving Spirit to carry you as you carry and bring forth His vision. What a privilege we have to co-labor with Him. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Steven and Rene Springer, Senior Leaders and Presidents
Global Presence Ministries

Email: info@globalpresence.com
Website: www.globalpresence.com

Steven and Rene Springer are the Founders and Senior Leaders of Global Presence Ministries, headquartered in Madison, WI, with a Transformation Center in Ghana, Africa. The Springers provide apostolic oversight to churches and ministries in the USA and Ghana, which are part of the Global Presence Apostolic Network (GPAN). They are given to the vision of "Bringing God's Presence, Advancing His Kingdom, Transforming Nations." In Madison the Springers host a regional equipping center and a dedicated place of God's presence with prophetic worship, prayer and creative arts. Steven and Rene journey in close community with a family of Believers who pursue God’s presence together. They impart vision for personal and societal transformation as they train and equip people to live 24/7 lifestyles of worship and moving in the power of the Spirit. On an international level, the Springers collaborate with leaders in the government, the marketplace, and the Church to disciple nations.


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