From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
There is no doubt that we are in intense times in our nation and around the world.
It's times like this that we KNOW God is up to something big and He's about to pour out His Spirit and His glory in a mighty way (see Isaiah 60:2).
We need NOW words, like this one from Ben Lim, for the current season we are in.
I encourage you to read through this slowly and carefully, as it's full of wisdom over the next couple of months.
God bless you this day! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"What to Expect in the Next Two Months"
Ben Lim, Los Angeles, CA
These next two months are going to be critical. This is because we are about to enter into a new Hebrew year, and not only that, 5780 is also the beginning of a whole new decade.
We are not just entering into a new year, beloved, but I believe how we handle and steward this upcoming season and year is going to determine the entrance and launch of the new decade that is upon us.
We are in a two-month window where the Lord is going to divinely and supernaturally move and give you access to certain things because of the promotion and positioning that is coming, but we must come into alignment with Heaven and begin to make the necessary arrangements and preparations for what is to come.
"Whoever has ears, let them hear." (Matthew 11:15)
What to Expect in the Next Two Months
Here are some things we can expect to see and experience in the next two months:
1) New Connections and Partnerships
Expect to see new partnerships. The Lord is going to be connecting you with many new people. This is going to prophesy and foretell of the new season and beginning that you are entering into. You are not the same person anymore and this will be confirmed by the new circles and tables that you will be in and surrounded with. (Photo via Pixabay)
You will begin to meet with new people who will seriously sow into your Kingdom vision. They will only be serious about the one true Kingdom agenda. They will have no false or ulterior motives and they will not be double-minded. You are coming into an alignment of greater glory.
2) A New Wave of Financial Provision and Outpouring
In these next two months, expect to see a whole new wave of finances. The things you have been sowing into are about to come into fruition. We are soon going to enter into a time of Rosh Hashanah. These are the "High, Holy Days" of the Lord, which signify much repentance and a searching of hearts.
This is a prophetic analogy of the tilling of the hard ground. Repentance is like the tilling and the breaking forth of the hardened ground in the hearts of men. When this happens, there will be great renewal and revival. This stands for new grains, new crops, new wheats, new agriculture and new life! The Lord is bringing in...(continue reading)