From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I sure enjoyed visiting Candice and Brian Simmons last month for our TV show, Elijah Streams.
They are an amazing couple full of love, humility and great wisdom!
I can tell you that they exude the love of Christ and those who get around them can attest to that too.
In this powerful word by Candice, she poses these important questions to us in this time:
So, how do we get back to the heart of Jesus? What would the heart of Jesus do in times of conflict and division? What would the heart of Jesus say? How would Jesus react in His heart of hearts?
I want you to read this amazing revelation from Candice...and I pray you receive it fully with an open heart! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Back to the Heart of Jesus: It's Time for a Love Revival"
Candice Simmons, Wichita, KS
This August passed too quickly for me and my husband Brian! But we were able to pack lots of fun-filled meetings into it! We went from Kansas, to California, to Florida, to Minnesota! We even snuck in one day with our children while we were there in Florida. It was so good!
As great as August was for us, I've been made aware that there are many in this world who aren't having as a great time as we are. I've had several dreams lately about all the discontented people on the earth. So much of our world has now become divisive and volatile, and it can be so easy to step into someone else's discontent.
So, I asked the Lord, "How do we...(continue reading)