September 13, 2019 "It's a Time to Believe and Not Doubt" Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia From the Desk of Steve Shultz: I think all of us have struggled with doubt at times in our lives...especially in the hard circumstances we've faced. If you've struggled in this area, please read through the words from the Lord that Danielle Dixon of Australia offers in her recent article. We are in a great shifting and shaking right now, and with that often comes a new walk of faith for where God is calling us to. Let this word encouraged you to believe God in a fresh new way as Danielle says: "It's a time to believe." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News Would you prayerfully consider blessing Elijah List Ministries with your best tax-deductible gift today? Your partnership is very much appreciated! Click here for info on how to send your gift today: ************************************* "It's a Time to Believe and Not Doubt" Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia  We are in a crucial time and how we spend our time is vital. It takes the same energy to believe as it does to doubt. Often as prophetic people, we are given words years before we start to see signs of them coming to pass. This is one of those words that has been maturing on the pages, and I was prompted to publish it now. This is a season to release our faith corporately; doubt can't play a part in our decisions. "This Is a Time to Believe and Not Doubt" I scribed these words as the Lord spoke: "This is a time to believe, not a time to doubt My power, My ways; My nature. "You have heard it said in days of old that I am a miraculous God, one of power and might. They sang of My works from one generation to another. This generation will have more to sing about than any other. "The lie of the devil is you don't have the power you need to get it, but I have given you all power and authority in the form of My Son. It's a time to rejoice, it's a time to be refreshed, it's a time to linger in My presence and see My power restore the smallest to the greatest. These Are the "Days of Redemption" "My power is upon the earth in earthen vessels waiting for these 'Days of Redemption.' Everything upon the earth must be redeemed back to Me, as the price was paid for all mankind. The day of reckoning is close. "Things that have been stolen must be returned. Things that have been destroyed must be restored. I am a just God and will see My people have justice in the most difficult cases. Where they look like they lost—broken and bruised—they will come out shining, redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. The Blood of the Lamb cries out for mercy, it shall not be disappointed. All things will be restored in the dispensation of time. Don't Settle for Less "This is the time to believe, a time to expect, a time to release; a time to live the 'God-kind of life.' Many are settling for so much less. They are settling for the life of this world. I have called each one to a higher life, one that is filled with My glory. "Adjust your eyes and fix them on the future that I have for you. Don't get tied up in the day-to-day things that try to lay a weight around your neck or you will become yoked to the things of this earth. "I have joined you to Heaven and desire you to operate from this heavenly realm which is filled with joy and excitement. I have seated you in the heavenly realm far above all principalities and powers. "It's a time to believe." Acts 3:21, "Whom Heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time." Danielle Dixon Ark Ministries Email: Website: Pastor Danielle Dixon has a passion to see the "captives set free." Having overcome obstacles and bondages in her own life, she shares her life experiences to encourage others to believe that with God all things are possible. Danielle and her husband Massey Dixon are senior pastors of ARK Ministries, a church they planted 19 years ago in Queensland, Australia. Their vision is to embrace people with love, hope and the goodness of God. God has used her prophetic gift to encourage many people in church settings and the marketplace over the past 25 years of ministry. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. 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