From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

This is a very timely prophetic message and teaching that is full of wisdom for our current day.
We often hear from you, our readers, that you'd like us to post more "teaching messages" as well.
It's a good thing to want to grow, increase and be nurtured, especially in prophetic teachings...
That's exactly what you're going to get today in this recent article from Lyn Packer of New Zealand.
I encourage you to print this out, read thoroughly through it, and study it out for yourself or even groups you're involved in. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy and be blessed as we grow together.
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Season of Prophetic Alignment, Structure and Good Protocols"
Lyn Packer, Tauranga, New Zealand
The Lord is calling us to step into a new level of maturity in using the gift of prophecy. We are entering a time of great prophetic release and power, and in order for us to minister wisely in that release of power, the Lord is giving us understanding of what is needed at a foundational level for this next season of ministry in the prophetic gift—its alignment, structure, and protocols.
Up until now in most churches, we have had little structure and protocols established for prophetic ministry, but for the release of power that is coming to the prophetic gift, we will need some. We are being called to greater maturity in function and with that comes the need to take greater responsibility for how we function.
As leaders, we will need to establish protocols with wisdom, grace and love, and as prophetic ministers, we will need to receive those protocols with love, grace and understanding.
We need to understand that these protocols are established not to hem us in and stifle our use of our gifts, but to create safety for us and those we minister to and to allow for a greater release of power to flow through the gifts.
What We're Coming into
As mentioned in previous words released on Elijah List, we have entered the Hebrew year 5780, the beginning of a new decade. In Hebrew, this is represented by the letter "Pey"—symbolized by the mouth. "Pey" can also mean "word, vocalization, speech or breath." We have also just come out of a decade that related to an increase in sight (represented by the Hebrew letter "Ayin").
Prophetically, we can see an interesting connection between the symbolism of these two Hebrew decades and the western or Gregorian calendar year, 2020. In our western society, the term "20/20" symbolizes perfect or clear vision. (Photo via Unsplash)
We see here that there is a linking together of sight and sound—the ability to see and to give voice to what we see. Prophetic people already do this, but there is a shift coming for many who have functioned as "reporters" instead of functioning as "releasers." There is a shift from just reporting what you see to releasing what you see.
What I mean is this: a reporter simply tells the story of what they see or have found out. A releaser steps into their place as a voice of the Lord in the earth. The words they speak release the power and provision of Heaven to bring something to pass.
Because of this shift taking place, and as prophetic people release more and more with the power of their words, we will find that the Lord is calling us to establish some things in our lives. He is calling us to establish safe boundaries in which to operate, for us and for those we minister to. And He is also giving us the needed wisdom and discernment in which to release these things.
The Lord is bringing His prophetic ministers into right alignment in certain areas. He is making, as it were, a "chiropractic adjustment" so that we can function better with the rest of the Body in the use of the prophetic gift. This is true both in the area of relationship and in our characters. Where we have been out of alignment with the Body of Christ, He is bringing us back into right alignment. Where we have been separated, He is bringing us back into relationship.
He is also calling prophetic ministers to a new season of...(continue reading)