| | | | "The New Jerusalem" Anointing Oils NOW through November 30th... Buy any Size or Scent of "New Jerusalem" oil, and get a 30ml Bottle of "Prince of Peace" oil at 50% OFF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A unique collection of Premium Holy Anointing Oils... each bottle is attractively packaged in a beautiful gift box. These oils make GREAT GIFT ITEMS! Each item is produced using Ancient Hebrew Biblical recipes, then soaked in prayer and dedicated to God for use as He sees fit before it leaves the manufacturer in Israel and sent to us. Buy (1) New Jerusalem oil of any scent or size, and GET (1) 30ml Bottle of "Prince of Peace" at 50% off! Buy (2) New Jerusalem oils of any scent or size, and GET (2) 30ml Bottles of "Prince of Peace" at 50% off! ...and so on! NO LIMIT! Please make sure you add all of the 30ml bottles of "Prince of Peace" oils to your shopping cart so you get the discount! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | | Balm of Gilead Anointing Oil The oil that reminds us that tears and a contrite heart are never forgotten by God. The Balm of Gilead, is an aromatic resin used for medical purposes that was exported from Tyre and elsewhere. This is seen in Scriptures where it is mentioned that the Ishmaelites who carried Joseph into Egyptian bondage were also Gilead balm traders. Balsam trees are native to the Gilead area. Incisions in the bark of a balsam tree yield three or four drops a day from each, and left to stand the balsam becomes a golden color and pellucid as a gem. Back in those days this balm was so scarce that the Jericho gardens yielded only six or seven gallons yearly, which was worth twice its weight in silver. Ingredients: Pure Extra Virgin Oil from Israel, Rose of Sharon (Labdanum), Balsam, and Mint 30 ml Bottle: | $20.00 | | 10 ml Bottle: | $10.00 | | | Rose of Sharon Anointing Oil In Hebrew this flower is called "chavatstzelet" and was probably a meadow-saffron or crocus. There were many disagreements over the Rose of Sharon as roses do not grow wild in the region. However today it has been established that it is most probable that Labdanum was the main ingredient of this wonderful anointing oil. The exuberant joy of the new things that spring forth in former desert places is enhanced and celebrated by this fragrance. Our Bridegroom, "The Rose of Sharon", brings an exuberant breaking forth of joy in our hearts and in life's deserts. The Rose of Sharon is in close association with the Lily of the Valley as both are titles of the Bridegroom. Scriptures related with this oil can be found in: Song of Songs 2:1 and Isaiah 35:1-2 Ingredients: Pure Extra Virgin Oil from Israel mixed with Rose of Sharon (Farm Grown) essential oil. 30 ml Bottle: | $20.00 | | 10 ml Bottle: | $10.00 | | | Holy Anointing Oil The oil of consecration. The Holy anointing Oil is based on the Scriptures found in Exodus 30:23-33 where instructions are given by God to Moses concerning the making of it, which is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Vessels were set apart unto God for sacred purposes, by anointing them with oil. With the mixture mentioned in this passage, Priests, Prophets, and Kings were also consecrated for service to God, during the Old Covenant days. This is an oil that speaks of a sacrificial and righteous walk. It speaks of commitment as the person is endorsed and empowered for a particular task that they have been called to. Ingredients: Pure Extra Virgin Oil from Israel, Myrrh, Cinnamon, Cassia, and Calamus 30 ml Bottle: | $20.00 | | 10 ml Bottle: | $10.00 | | | Messiah's Fragrance Anointing Oil The oil of joy and gladness. As we take a closer look at the anointed life style of our Bridegroom Yeshua, we see how it has been dispensing its fragrance throughout the ages and will of course continue to do so. Consider what is said about Him and especially the scent He carries, in the Wedding Psalm in chapter 45:7-8. Anointing with oil was no stranger during Yeshua's life on earth. We see this in the fourth chapter of Luke where Yeshua is anointed at the beginning of His ministry by a woman and again at the end before He is crucified by Mary of Bethany. Let us always remember what Proverbs 27:9 tells us when it shares with us that "oil and perfume make the heart glad!" Ingredients: Pure Extra Virgin Oil from Israel, Myrrh, Aloes, and Cassia 30 ml Bottle: | $20.00 | | 10 ml Bottle: | $10.00 | | | Bridal Garden Anointing Oil One of the many delights portrayed in the Song of Songs, is fragrance. We become aware of the abundance of scents and aromas that perfumes the air around the Lover-Bridegroom and His Beloved Bride. In this atmosphere of love, their garments, speech and beings, send forth their savory scents. We like to call this the Bridal Garden perfume. Picture with us an enclosed, private and secret garden on The palace grounds of a King. A sacred garden, filled with an array of colors, sounds, tastes and fragrances. This is what the Bride is likened to! As she yields graciously to the seasons of growth, her choice and fragrant "plants" brings forth much beauty and enjoyment. Established, tended and pruned by the hand of her God, she flourishes in secret behind their wall. In intimacy, fed and nourished by the river and fountain of life, she herself becomes an oasis of refreshment and truth. (see John 7:38) The Holy Spirit defuses and distributes her knowledge of her God, her values and influence like fragrance. With closer investigation, each fragrance depicts different aspects of developed character. God wants these to increase in her, for the full enjoyment of her Bridegroom and those around her. I would like to quote Watchman Nee who said: ‘Everything of beauty and fragrance lies in spiritual maturity.’ Scriptures related with this oil can be found in: Song 1:3, Song 1:12-14, Song 3:6, Song 4:10-16, Song 5:13, and Song 7:8 Ingredients: Pure Extra Virgin Oil from Israel mixed with over 15 natural essential oils from around the world. 30 ml Bottle: | $20.00 | | 10 ml Bottle: | $10.00 | | | | | | |  | October 11, 2019 | | | | | | | | | | Elijah List - 528 Ellsworth St SW, Albany OR, 97321 | You are currently subscribed to elijahlist as: kukash@gmail.com Add mail@elijahlistmail.com to your email address book to ensure delivery. | Forward to a Friend | Manage Subscription | Subscribe | Snooze Your Elijah List Daily Prophetic Word email subscription is sent to you FREE OF CHARGE and is made possible through continued sponsored advertising support. If you would like to stop your Elijah List Daily Prophetic Word e-mail subscription, please Click Here | |