From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

You don't have to be a prophet, a historian, or a scientist to know that it is not only revival that is breaking out in your state and country – no, it is the next GREAT AWAKENING!
When some of the hardest in society who WERE against the Gospel come running to Christ, that my friends is AWAKENING!
Be encouraged and read on...(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Beginning of a Hollywood Awakening and Revolution"
Jonathan Ngai, Los Angeles, CA
Eight years ago, my wife Sharon and I were at a crossroads. We were leading a church in the suburbs of Los Angeles and running a House of Prayer steps away from the old historic Azusa Street Mission. We had seen the Lord move in some significant ways as we prayed for another outpouring in the city that we called home. At the end of 2010, our spiritual mom, Cindy Jacobs, gave us a word that it was time for us to step into the heart of LA (which we knew was Hollywood).
We were comfortable (and seeing fruit) but we felt a transition coming. As we began to pray into this, the Lord began to speak clearly that it was time for Hollywood to walk into its destiny. We knew it was a city that touched the world through music, film, and media, but we also knew it was a city that many Christians had left for dead. As we spoke to some of our family and friends, many of them...(continue reading)