Reader, Don't go on a diet. Don't exercise. That's what I tell my patients when they ask, "Dr. Sears, what should I do to lose weight?" Don't get me wrong... Eating the right foods and staying active are key ingredients to a healthy life. But here's the problem. When you start a diet, well, most will leave you hungry all of the time. And exercise? Too much can tire you out. Combine the two and the sad truth is: many people fail to achieve their weight-loss goals because it's simply too exhausting to "starve and sweat" the pounds off. In other words, most weight-loss advice sets people up for failure! After all, who wants to be hungry and tired all the time? Diet and exercise have their place. But they are NOT "Step 1." The first thing I do is help my patients INCREASE their energy... to help them feel like they are ready to "tackle the world" before making any big lifestyle changes. How? With a weight-loss trick discovered by scientists. Clinical studies prove it burns off five times more weight than you otherwise would. And the results I've seen in patients are breathtaking... Double-digit losses on the scale... getting back to their high-school weight... and fitting in clothes they haven't worn in years. It involves activating a special protein called UCP1. Writing in the Diabetes & Metabolism Journal, these doctors said "Activation of UCP1 [triggers] energy expenditure which will have anti-obesity effects." In layman's terms, UCP1 gives you more energy by burning existing fat! Stop exhausting yourself with diet and exercise... And use this trick to crank up your UCP1 fat burner for more energy. Click here to take the effort out of losing weight... To Your Good Health,  Al Sears, MD, CNS * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.