November 8, 2019 "An Elijah List Exclusive: Prophecy Decoders - Trump Administration and Courts Shifting" From the Desk of Steve Shultz: Only a day or two ago, a young man asked me if I thought America and the Church are going to make it. He went on to describe the decay in American school classroom values. I, of course, agreed with him that it's gotten very, very bad in our schools and in the public square, but the good news's all beginning to change right before our eyes. The courts are slowly, but assuredly, changing for the better. Same with the Church. I encouraged you to NOT be discouraged. Put your trust in GOD. He's putting our nation back together again! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News Would you prayerfully consider blessing Elijah List Ministries with your best tax-deductible gift today? Your partnership is very much appreciated! Click here for info on how to send your gift today: ************************************* "An Elijah List Exclusive: Prophecy Decoders - Trump Administration and Courts Shifting"  Are you ready for some good political news? Under the Trump administration, there is a revolution taking place within the judicial court system in America that will have a lasting effect for decades to come. Amazingly, this development was revealed in advance in code through prophecy. Ben Peters released this prophecy on February 3, 2017 regarding the Trump administration, courts shifting and abortion: PROPHECY BY BEN PETERS - February 3, 2017 "With a Kingdom-friendly administration, led by many Kingdom-minded department heads, God is going to use these people to bring changes in attitudes and belief systems. There will actually be a significant reversal of the moral values decline we have seen for many decades. (Photo via the Department of Justice) "Scientists, many of whom will become Believers, will also begin to acknowledge that there is no denial that human life begins at conception. The courts will shift under the Trump administration to uphold this viewpoint. The pro-abortion support will weaken, and the pro-life support will grow. State laws restricting or eliminating abortions will be upheld by a new Supreme Court." Prophecy Decoders Analysis Note that this prophetic word references a reversal of a decades-long moral values decline, changes in belief systems and the restricting or elimination of abortion. How can these things happen? Perhaps the answer is hidden within the prophecy: "The courts will shift under the Trump administration." Check Out These Headlines NEWS Headline: PBS – October 25, 2019: Trump's conservative picks will impact courts for decades NEWS Headline: Bloomberg Law – September 11, 2019: Trump Reaches 150 Judicial Appointments as Senate Resumes Push NEWS Headline: The Guardian – March 10, 2019: Trump's legacy: conservative judges who will dominate US law for decades According to these news articles, since he took office, Trump has succeeded in placing enough conservative judges to begin an ideological shift of the judiciary. These conservative Trump appointees will have a profound and lasting effect due to their relatively younger age and the length of time they can serve on the bench. In pushing through so many appointments, the pipeline for conservative Supreme Court picks for Trump and future presidents has expanded. And with Trump's 2016 campaign promise to appoint pro-life Supreme Court justices, could it be that we will begin to see a reversal to this decades-long stench of murder in the womb? Over the coming years and decades, as the abortion battle rages in the lower courts, and hopefully will one day reach the Supreme Court again, could it be that these pro-life judges appointed by the Trump administration will one day be divinely positioned to speak up for life in the womb in the lower courts, and then ultimately in the Supreme Court? We must continue to pray and intercede for the future of our nation and not get discouraged with the toxic rhetoric of the news media. God is actively moving in the courts. A judicial revolution has begun. The sanctity of life in the womb will be honored once again within our courts. Good news is on the horizon. Can you see it? Ben R. Peters and The Elijah List Kingdom Sending Center Email: Website: Ben and Brenda Peters have said "YES" to the call of God to challenge, equip, and send dedicated lovers of Jesus into the harvest fields of the earth, including the seven mountains of society. Together they have ministered to tens of thousands of individuals in several countries of the world. After establishing and serving churches and Christian schools for almost thirty years, they began a traveling ministry in September 1999 under the name Open Heart Ministries. This ministry consisted mainly of speaking, teaching, preaching, and prophesying in conferences, camps, retreats, churches, ministry schools, and homes. More recently, they also founded an Illinois-based ministry called Kingdom Sending Center. Ben began writing revelatory books in 2000, and has published over 23 of them since then, including his most recent, The Marriage Anointing. Ben and Brenda now live near Sacramento, California, close to most of their five children and twelve grandchildren. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. 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