From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is such an excellent word right now that we all need to read and receive.
Jan Jansen, Jeff Jansen's wife, recently awoke to the sound of a shofar blowing...
God started revealing to her what this all means for YOU and for ME!
More than ever, let's heed to the revelation Jan shares here from the Lord for the Body of Christ, even this week. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

I was awakened the other morning around 4:00 AM, as Jeff Jansen (my husband) was writing his new book in his head and couldn't sleep, and felt the need to get up to go put it in print. He told me he was getting up and would be back after he typed up his thoughts.
As I was waiting to fall back to sleep, I clearly heard the loud sound of a shofar blast! I didn't even look at the clock because I just assumed somehow it was Jeff. I remember thinking, "WOW! I didn't know Jeff could blow a shofar like that!" Then I remembered our shofar was at the church, so I assumed he was playing a recording of something that had a shofar on it. It was a long shofar blast that I clearly heard as if it were being blown in or above our home. I marveled at it but went back to sleep.
Jeff came back to bed around 6:30 AM, and I awakened and commented that I didn't know we had a shofar here. He said, "WHAT?" I told him I heard him blow the shofar after he got up and didn't know he could blow a shofar like that. He said, "Jan, I DID NOT blow a shofar." I then asked him what he was playing that had a shofar on it. He said he did not play anything. Then I told him about the shofar blast; he didn't hear it at all! I told him how loud it was and how long the blast was.
I never claim something is God unless I am quite sure, but it is obvious that this was a supernatural thing! Someone...the Lord, or perhaps an angel, was blowing the shofar and I was allowed to hear it. I had to ask the Lord what He was saying in this.
Awake from Your Slumber!
In biblical days the shofar, or ram's horn, was used as an instrument of spiritual warfare (Numbers 10:9). It was blown when there was an adversary oppressing the people and they were announcing an elevation of warfare against their enemy.
During the Hebrew season of Teshuvah, the blowing of the shofar was a means of awakening the slumbering soul. Maimonides was a Jewish philosopher and Rabbinic scholar born in Spain. He once said, "There is a hidden message we are supposed to infer by listening to the shofar. It suggests to say, 'Sleeping ones! Awaken from your sleep! Slumbering ones! Awaken from your slumber! Examine your deeds. Remember your Creator...'" (free photo via Wikimedia Commons)
This "awakening from sleep" is also found in Ephesians 5:13-14: "...Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead and Christ will shine on you." (It is also found in John 11:11, Romans 13:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:6 and Daniel 12:1-2.) The sound of the shofar calls us to return to the Lord and seek His face.
In Bible days, the shofar was also used to sound alarms for the camp of Israel, to convene assemblies, to announce the new moon and the Jubilee year, to herald messages and to coronate kings. As previously mentioned, it was used to wage war and begin a military campaign. When the Israelites engaged the enemy in battles, the priests and Levites would first prepare the way by sounding the shofar.
The shofar was also used during worship and praise in the Temple. The shofar was blown when the Ark of the Covenant was returned to camp. Blowing the shofar declares that the Lord God is the King of the universe. Psalm 98:6 (CJB) says, "With trumpets and the sound of the shofar, shout for joy before the King, Adonai!"
Since I was allowed to hear this glorious sound, I have to process what the Lord is saying to ME and to US. The sound of the shofar was a confirmation to me of... (continue reading)