From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
It's really inspiring what the younger generation is receiving from Heaven and the wisdom of God that they carry.
I've enjoyed hearing from this young couple, Jermaine and Rebecca Francis, who are also apart of CI (Christian International).
Do you want to recognize and grow in hearing from God? I think this is very important right now...hearing His voice in these times and seasons. Read this fresh word from Jermaine and Rebecca Francis and find out how! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

You have already been hearing God's voice more than you realize. Even if you already thought you were hearing God, I promise you can hear Him even more! The process of learning to hear God's voice is simple. Learning to recognize when you hear Him teaches you how to put meaning—or words—to something already in you.
Which came first, an object, or the object's name? It's not a trick question. The object came first. When Adam named the animals, he looked at something that existed and found language to communicate its existence.
Hearing God works the same way. He gives us meaning in our spirits. That meaning can come in a millisecond, and yet it can be full of what feels like hours or days' worth of content. That's because of a couple of things. The first and most important reason for this is that God's Spirit is eternal, and the depth of His communication to our spirits is unfathomable: "How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand..." (Psalm 139:17-18 NKJV).
The other main reason that a second of revelation from God seems to take minutes or hours to understand and/or explain has to do with the way our minds work. Our conscious minds process 4,000 bits of information per second. You read that right—per second! And our subconscious minds process 4,000,000 bits of information per second. This is the unfathomable, complex way God designed our minds.
So when God drops one second of revelation from His Spirit into our spirits, it's no surprise that it can be translated into sentences, paragraphs, and even books' worth of words. When combining the supernatural with the natural brilliance of our minds, it's possible that one second of revelation could equal anywhere from 4,000 to 4,000,000 words. Of course, 4,000,000 would be a bit of an exaggeration, but you can see that the math is at least 4,000 times the content per second of revelation.
In order to translate Spirit revelation into words, we first need to know how we're processing the revelation through our minds. We receive the revelation by our spirits; we do not receive it by our minds. We do not need to understand the revelation. We do not need to have prior knowledge about the revelation. Revelation comes from God's Spirit to our spirits, regardless of our minds. But there's a caveat; we need our minds to make sense of, meditate on, communicate, and apply the revelation.
Let's add this disclaimer before we continue. Whatever revelation you receive must be biblical. If you see and hear anything that goes against the Bible, reject it. In social media terms—unfriend it, delete it, block it, unfollow it, report it. Don't connect with it at all. God never contradicts Himself.
The Theater of the Mind
Have you ever noticed how sometimes reading the book is better than watching the movie? Or have you ever wanted to create something artistic that you could see so clearly in your head, but by the time you drew it or constructed it it was not much better than sticks or stick figures?
What happens in our minds can be much richer than what happens in the natural world because of something called "the theater of the mind." "The theater of the mind" is the culmination of colors, shapes, sensations, smells, sounds, movement, multitasking and backstory that exist in our minds. Our parents called it our "imagination."
The phrase "theater of the mind" comes from radio jargon. When people used to listen to stories on the radio, the "actors" found ways to verbally create a theater for listeners to enjoy in their minds. This is not to be confused with the contemporary New Age discussion of self-hypnosis that has recently hijacked this phrase.
"The theater of the mind" explains why when you have a dream, you can say that you "somehow knew" where you were or to whom you were talking, even though it was never directly identified in the dream. The theater of the mind contains indirect information that adds richness to the experience.
When God speaks to our spirits... (continue reading)