Dear Elijah List Readers,
In the full 23 years of publishing, broadcasting or streaming prophetic words here at Elijah List Ministries, I've NEVER SEEN a time as important as this for this prophetic ministry! Very Godly people, maybe even YOU have become desperate or fearful, to hear what God is saying, not only for the future but for RIGHT NOW, today for you and your life!
As you read this, hardly a human being on earth has not heard "CoronaVirus," while only weeks ago, few had heard that term.
Now, as founders of The Elijah List, Derene and I are pleased to display before you a compilation of what God is saying through His prophets about the CoronaVirus.
Please, please, PLEASE help us get these prophetic words out. Let's get them to all your friends and relatives! This is SO VERY IMPORTANT! There is great encouragement to be had here.
While we don't want to downplay the tragedy of even one life lost or one person hospitalized, here are portions of, or snippets from what God's prophets are saying, concerning the CoronaVirus.
But first, read this from the Holy Scriptures:
"If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in Your presence before this temple that bears Your Name and will cry out to You in our distress, and You will hear us and save us." 2 Chronicles 20:9 NIV Not all and maybe very few plagues or even rumors of plagues are judgment, and likely the enemy of our souls is responsible for most of them. But one thing we know... God will get glory through HIS PEOPLE as they learn to fight these things; and as that Scripture declares,
"[even amidst plague or famine]... we will stand in Your presence before this temple that bears Your Name and will cry out to You in our distress, and You will hear us and save us.'
Johnny Enlow: "Faith Will Decimate the Coronavirus"
Posted on: Feb 28, 2020: Here is something new and important I just heard from the Lord regarding the coronavirus.
He was there when the virus was being engineered and He did His own counter engineering. In His tinkering, He has caused it to be the most "susceptible to be affected by faith" virus that ever existed. He put a drop of something into the sinister engineering and it absolutely destroys the virus when exposed to faith. Prayers of faith. Actions of faith. Stands of faith. The virus can smell faith and it is decimated by it. I heard the roar of the virus turn to a whimper. This is a built-in recipe for an explosion of salvation and the miraculous and of every kind of spiritual encouragement... Evil will pay a great price as fear and death will be swallowed up in victory. Haman will again hang on his own gallows and it will happen in more ways than one.
We are in the days where God will always be "greater than." Whatever card the enemy plays, God will have the trump card to take the hand. Don't bow to fear; crush it instead. Courage is your friend. Jesus is your King.
Shawn Bolz: "The Lord Showed Me the End of the Coronavirus - The Tide Is Turning Now!"
Feb 28, 2020 Coronavirus: The Threat is Being Removed
God is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight.
The exaggerated, fear-based tactics of both the enemy and several media outlets for political reasons is coming to an end. The enemy has been trying to distract and steal from several equally important purposes and issues by dominating airwaves with conspiracy and fear.
Even now, several vaccines are coming out as well as a natural "dying out" of the virus itself. The Lord is saying, "I am removing the threat of this."
Within a short amount of time, the extreme threat will feel like it is in the way past.
Psalm 56:9:
"The very moment I call to You for a father's help
The tide of battle turns and my enemies flee.
This one thing I know: God is on my side!"
Doug Addison: "Special Prophetic Release on the Coronavirus"
Posted on Feb 28, 2020: The global attack of the coronavirus is against the global outpouring that is coming to the earth. This is a direct attack against revival... There is power when we agree together in prayer! Jesus said that if you agree together, it will be done. This is a Biblical principle that satan is using against us. He often uses things from the Bible and distorts or counterfeits it. We have been seeing 3-cord attacks of the enemy that have been more difficult to break—until you recognize them... Once you recognize the 3-cord attack, you can bind and break its combined attack. If you try to break the individual demons, they will not usually go because they have a 3-cord agreement that requires a new strategy. Jesus said, "...whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven." (Matthew 18:18 NIV)
Cindy Jacobs: "Response to Coronavirus from the Global Prophetic Movement"
Posted on Mar 2, 2020: What Have the Prophets Said That We Should Do in This Time of Prayer?
Pray Psalm 91 over your families and nations... pray for wisdom for our leaders to contain the spread of the virus while protecting their people effectively. We pray also for the crisis response teams and emergency responders in each nation to be protected and be effective. Pray for the nations as we pray for our own! Many prophetic voices across the world have been prophesying the coming of the next great awakening, and that it will happen on a worldwide scale. Forces of evil would like to use this to either delay or disrupt the coming awakenings and revivals. Intercede that this will not happen, but rather that the moves of God will escalate worldwide. God wants this season to turn into a catalyst of revival instead of contagion...
Make a decree that the coronavirus will cease worldwide, and that God will heal all who are currently affected by it... Re-consecrate yourselves, your families, and your nation to God through the taking of communion. Remember the miracle of Passover. Plead and apply the Blood of the Lamb on the doorposts of your spheres.
Lance Wallnau: "What the Lord Says About the Coronavirus..."
Posted on: Mar 6, 2020: I heard the Lord say, "Do not fear what they fear, and do not call 'conspiracy' everything they say is a conspiracy." (see Isa. 8:12) I anticipate 2 to 3 weeks of nuttiness from the world system. At the same time, there is special access to the Lord until this thing has passed... The Lord says, "DO NOT FEAR WHAT THEY FEAR." Let's agree that we will both be delivered from every snare of the enemy and be empowered with the spirit of faith and the spirit of might and gifts of the Spirit to impart and manifest... This is the hour when we will step into the role of deliverers.
Demontae Edmonds
From: March 9 The fear being released in relation to the coronavirus is more dangerous than the virus itself...FEAR is a major door opener for demonic portals in the Earth realm. Remember God's perfect love casts out fear! 1 John 4:18
Robert Henderson: The Corona Virus and the Presidency of Donald Trump
From: March 10 (This is excerpted from a longer word)
My understanding of this dream [and revelation from God about the Corona Virus and President Donald Trump] is that we, as the Church/intercessors, are not taking seriously our role in the presidency of Donald J. Trump, at least on the level we should. Perhaps we are more 'playing with it' rather than praying things through in the Spirit. We are in serious times that require a seriousness in prayer and intercession for our nation and the purposes of God in it. Even though it was me in the dream, I am quite sure I was simply being allowed to feel the chastening of the Lord concerning our lack of diligence and seriousness toward this presidency.
I also understood that the intent of the devil is to disrupt the economy of our nation. This is what the devil understands he must do, to seek to deny President Trump the re-election. In the fact that [IN MY PROPHETIC DREAM] I was handed the financial section of the paper after President Trump was finished looking into it, I know that
we are being assigned to pray and stand with President Trump to secure and stabilize the economy of our nation. Without this, the stage could be set for an upset in the elections this year. President Trump could be removed from office.
We must take our stand and deal with the issue that the enemy would use to disrupt our economy and the economy of the nations, with the end results being the ousting of Donald J. Trump as our president.
The media and politicians would like nothing more than to discredit President Trump and to motivate people through fear until the economy is greatly damaged. We must take our place and contend for God's will to be done instead.
Kat Kerr
From: March 11 Note by Steve Shultz: I absolutely love how God speaks to us, more all the time in very UN-religious ways. We are HIS KIDS, for goodness sakes. We don't take suffering lightly but we do know that compared to our future, these are light afflictions.
Kat Kerr: "Prescription for a Life Filled day, eat chocolate cake and crush the spirit of infirmity trying to bring fear to the people. Take authority over it and command the Hosts to pull down that stronghold!! We are over sickness and disease so don't tolerate it. We are joint heirs with Christ and He never allowed sickness to rule! Get your crown on and bash the virus which is promoted by Hell! Push back the enemy's plan. Even as your soul prospers, you WILL prosper and BE in Health!"
Johnny Enlow
Posted: March 12 Don't misread what is happening as are some prophetic voices who early in the year prophesied "revival" and "prosperity"...but now prophesy some level of doom/Titanic reality. Don't believe it and especially so if it fed your fear...(for them supposedly it is some level of "courage" on their part to not just prophesy good)...Read again especially my first word of the year that is rooted in II Chronicles 20:20 (A Year of Roaring Justice and Raging Hope)...I standby all of my prophetic words of 2020. The subsequent sports prophecies all showed an initial challenge followed by a substantial turnaround and victory (think Kansas City Chiefs). There is a quicker reprieve/turnaround and a bigger victory coming than imagined. He wars for us as we praise Him is the best move possible. This battle is the Lords. The enemy is not the virus- it is the fear, but God is doing something even bigger in the midst. (The Lord will have His way in the storm. Nahum 1:3)
Kevin Basconi - The Coronavirus
From: March 13 As you read this today, know that the Beer Virus (otherwise known as the Coronavirus) will be remembered as a passing illness, much like the Legionnaires disease that broke out in 1976 within Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. But, the Coronavirus is a sign of the times. Take authority over the COVID-19 virus in your sphere, in the name of Jesus, and command it to die! Take authority over the COVID-19 virus (Luke 9:1)! Do it now!
Steve Shultz and Sunil Isaac (Sunil was Kim Clement's primary drummer and he also produced the weekly "Code Breakers" segment for Kim.")
One of the things our readers don't get a chance to do is to see two prophetic people in "action," actually "revelating" together, processing real-time prophetic words from the Lord. On March 12, Sunil and I entered into conversations where Sunil said to me:
Sunil said:
"Steve, I have had a strong sense the past two weeks and I believe it is from the Lord - that now is the time for wealth transfer for God's people. Now is the time for the people of God to be wise and prophetic like Joseph in the Bible, see opportunity when others see panic, move forward and enlarge spheres of influence. During the time of the famine crisis, Joseph acquired the wealth and land of Egypt, and his status in Egypt increased.
It was during the crisis when this happened! I (Steve) responded back: "Awesome word Sunil. I receive it too! The last few days I've been hearing in my spirit over and over, repeatedly that "During a time of famine Isaac sowed in the land!" That is a major confirmation to me! And to God's People.
Sunil: "Here it is: 'Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him.' Genesis 26:12."
Steve: "It's just like God to have His people prosper during times of famine. Excellent word, Sunil!" Dear Elijah List readers, will you help me get these encouraging words out right now, today? Then will you please take a moment to support this ministry with
your best gift? We have LOTS of staffers compiling, gathering, editing, proofing and streaming these words throughout the earth but we really need your financial support. It takes a lot of us every day.
I am praying RIGHT NOW that every single person who partners with us will receive a giant REWARD from the Lord for "Receiving a prophet in the name of the prophet."
Matthew 10:4:
"Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet's reward."