From the Desk of Steve Shultz: This word through Chuck Pierce is so important that it's hard to convey it in just a few words. But as we come upon Passover beginning tomorrow, I am reading Chuck's article as if it is the "final marching orders" going into and through Passover and Easter this year. This is the time TO DECREE, to declare in faith, and to demand of the enemy that he retreat! God is empowering the words of your mouth like never before; in exactly the same moment, the devil and his minions are more afraid of your words than ever before! Note: Chuck is a very trusted prophet in the earth today. He hears clearly from the Lord. So when he prophesies below that it is time to prepare for war, we don't know for sure what that would look like, but we know Chuck heard clearly. Agree with HEAVEN that God is in control of whatever this war will look like, and we agree with God that, "Thy will be done!" Prophesy against darkness NOW AND DON'T SHRINK BACK. We've got the enemy on the run! Prophesy in faith and no longer doubt the power of your spoken words! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News ************************************* "Preparing for Passover! This is Your Turning Point Week! Key Prophecies!" Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX  Dear Preparing Ones: What a great service we had yesterday – filled with key prophecy and revelation for this Passover week. Key Prophecies: This is Your Turning Point Week! A "Divine Pause" has fallen on this planet so the Lord can rearrange many things. Viruses are like demons – they must find a host. They don't particularly want the host to die – they want to control the host, spread, and literally take over the world. Decree the dark spirit of COVID-19 is letting go, backing off, withering and dying. We command you to quit preying on the weak! Let new strength rise up in the spirits of God's people! Let a new breath of the Spirit come forth! Break agreement with fear and death. In the midst of being cautious, you can subtly come into agreement with fear and death like King Jehoash who went to see Elisha on his death bed (2 Kings 13). The king would not press on through to the unlimited rule God had for him, and only struck the ground three times. Over these next weeks, we will not quit shooting life into the atmosphere or striking the ground until we have secured the breakthrough. "This is a turning point week for My people! My people must open their mouths and create an atmosphere that will cause these spirits to back away! Now is the time! I have worked a work, and I Am working a work, and I will continue to work a work in the nations. I say to My Kingdom: Command those spirits of darkness to not overtake the land. You are called to this land, My Kingdom is within you...the earth is Mine and the fullness thereof – so take a stand for My fullness! Decree and Take Your Stand! "I Am redefining boundaries this week. Find your new boundaries, stand in those boundaries, and decree the upper hand of the enemy must leave. This is the week of redefined boundaries! This is the week of atmospheric alignment! Stand and decree, 'Now this land is God's land!' You are My ambassador – take your stand! You need a healer...I Am a Healer! Cry out! 'Medical' cannot do what I can do in an atmosphere! It is you that sets the atmosphere for medical innovations to be created. You cry out, and the Healer will come! If you'll go up, I'll penetrate the ground and unlock the iniquities that are working in it! You go up – rise up – and tell death it must let go! "I Am resting My anointing on My saints. I Am releasing them as a sharp threshing arrow to go and break the agreement of death. Where death thinks it has its say, I Am penetrating the darkness with the arrow of My voice and the positioning of My saints. I Am going to cut a pathway with My voice that will bring forth the light of a new day, change the atmosphere, and show the earth My Kingdom reigns. "The voice of faith has begun to be released in the midst of My people. When the voice is released darkness will lift, the mountain will move, and the sea will depart. Rise up, come out, come up and let Me set your feet on a solid rock. Release your voice; let your voice be heard because I have come to bring down the mountain. "You will see Me... (continue reading) Find us on: * Facebook click here * XAPiT click here PLEASE FORWARD to all your friends! 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