From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most excellent prophetic word and teaching for us...right now!
As I read through Francis Myles article, I simply could not take my eyes off of it.
He is definitely feeding us "meat" and not milk in this word. God is most definitely using this time to mature us and increase our faith to believe for the impossible.
I'll keep this short, as I want you to get right to reading this will help you where you're at and teach you how to live a fearless life! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

We are definitely living in the latter part of the period known as the End of Days! One of the signs of these end-of-days or the beginning of sorrows is the rising number of people who are paralyzed by fear and are on the verge of throwing in the towel! It is to this generation that Jesus says, "Men always ought to pray and not lose heart!" Outbreaks such as the COVID-19 virus that has already killed thousands of people around the world and brought countries to the verge of total economic collapse—all this has done for many people is incite more of their fears.
Most importantly there are many members of the Body of Messiah who are just as scared as the rest of the world. The only problem with the problem of fear is that it begets more fear, not less. In most cases there is nothing more dangerous than "fear itself." I believe the day will come when we will look back at the outbreak of the coronavirus from the rearview mirror of history only to realize that our collective fear was a far more dangerous virus than COVID-19 itself!
This is why there are at least 365 recorded times in the Holy Bible where God says, "Fear not!" God does not want His people to live in fear. The writer of Proverbs tells us that the wicked run when there is nothing chasing them! What a picture of fear! On the other hand, the righteous are as bold as lion. Anyone who has seen a lion in its natural habitant knows it is afraid of nothing. It walks lazily by as though it owns the jungle and every animal in it! This is the picture that God wants painted in the canvas of our minds. When you are a child of God there is nothing to fear...more than the fear itself!
Satan uses "fear" to bind us in the Courts of Heaven. In almost all cases of demonic bondage or entrapment, the driver that the devil uses to open the doors of oppression is the spirit of fear! Fear has a paralyzing and chilling effect. Needless to say, if fear is allowed to contaminate the mind, it is such a powerful and immobilizing force that some people never fully recover from it.
Fear Not!
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
Fear not! This expression appears in the canon of Scripture at least 365 times. Whichever way you slice this, God has a "Fear not" admonition for every person on Earth for each day of the year! There is no other biblical admonition that comes close in its frequency to this admonition. What does God know about the destructive power of the "fear technology" that He wants to preserve us from? God certainly knows a whole lot about the destructive power of the spirit of fear. (Photo via Pixabay)
In Hebraic tradition, a truth is established at the testimony of two or three witness. What about something testified to 365 times in the Scriptures? The veracity of the expression "Fear not" is without question an established truth of Scripture. God does not want His people to live in "fear" regardless of the internal or external stimuli driving the fear. In God's economy, there is absolutely no reason to live in fear!
The Spirit of Fear
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV)
However, it behooves us to first understand "fear" itself, before we can master and conquer it. You have to admit that no one understands "fear" more than God. So His description of fear will be our underlying template for breaking the stronghold of fear over your life. Notice that God identifies fear as a spirit being, not just a mindset. If fear is a spirit being it means it can think, will, and act independently of its host.
Notice that the Scripture says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear." This means that fear, like all other spirit beings, must... (continue reading)