| | The Elijah List is able to bless you with daily prophetic words free of charge because of our trusted advertising partners. For more information, click here. | | Don't Miss FREE Livestreaming Passover 5780! April 9-12 Join Chuck D. Pierce for this Weekend of Roaring as You Cross Over! | | Purpose | We are in a TRUE PASSOVER SITUATION! Even though we have celebrated many Passovers, the Spirit of God said this would be the year that we would really have to understand Passover. I see that the death toll in the nations that celebrate and honor His Blood and acknowledge Him will start decreasing after Passover. This is not a time for postponement, but celebrating and honoring His Blood so the death structure gripping nations can shift at this time. I invite you to join us this weekend for our worldwide Passover celebration, Roaring as You Cross Over! We will actually be celebrating this Passover the way the Lord instructed the Israelites to observe Passover – in our homes, in our small gatherings, and behind our closed doors. Here at Global Spheres Center, Glory of Zion will be having a worship and essential staff webcast-only presentation to help you continue advancing. We will be doing incredible prophetic acts, anointing for miracles, and helping you secure your place in this New Era. Join with us online as we celebrate one of the most historic Passovers since the beginning of Passover. Blessings, | | Speakers | Chuck D. Pierce, Barbara Yoder, Barry Maracle, Daniel & Amber Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Isaac Pitre, Jacqueline Del Rosario, Johnny Taylor, Kent Mattox, Paul Wilbur, Robert Heidler Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and fifteen grandchildren. | Barbara Yoder is the lead apostle and founding pastor of Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center, a racially and culturally diverse church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She serves on several boards of ministry nationally. Barbara leads Breakthrough Apostolic Ministries Network (BAMN) a network of pastors, ministry leaders and marketplace leaders. She travels extensively as a national and international speaker, ministering at various conferences and churches. She is the author of 5 books, has contributed to the Women of Destiny Bible and has been featured on the cover of Charisma magazine as one of the most influential women leaders in the Church today. Prior to the ministry, Barbara worked in academia. | Barry Maracle is a 4th generation Spirit Filled Believer in Jesus Christ, who was raised on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Ontario Canada. He now resides with his wife of 28 years, Tammy, and their five children in Belleville, Ontario, where he serves in the office of the Prophet at Desert Steam Christian Fellowship. He has ministered in many nations, and was part of the National Coalition of Native, Inuit and Metis leaders that went across Canada releasing a spirit of forgiveness in what was called, "The Journey of Freedom." This led to the national, "Forgiven Summit" in Ottawa, June of 2010. Barry has a passion for the next generation and believes strongly in Spiritual Sonship. With great diligence he pursues the New Testament Life and the manifested Power of the Resurrected Christ. | Daniel and Amber Pierce moved to Israel in 2011. They spent several years building relationships with local leaders and serving in many capacities before following the Lord's call to open and establish the Glory of Zion Justice Ministry Center. This call originated out of a longing to worship the Lord in an atmosphere of spiritual freedom. Through this open door of worship, God quickly began to reveal needs in both local and international communities to experience and connect in freedom with the Holy Spirit in a stronger way. Daniel and Amber Pierce hosted "Rise as One" worship meetings in Jerusalem for over two years before establishing the GOZJ Center. The newly expanded apostolic hub opened at Pentecost 2019. | Dutch Sheets is an internationally-recognized author, gifted teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, challenging Believers for passionate prayer and societal reformation. Seeing America experience a sweeping revival and return to its Godly heritage is Dutch's greatest passion. He is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging Believers to contend for awakening. Dutch has written over 23 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. He has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Treasuring time spent with their family and grandchildren, Dutch and Ceci, his wife of 40 plus years, reside in South Carolina. | Isaac Pitre is the founder of Isaac Pitre Ministries, Inc., and the founder and pastor of Christ Nations, a non-denominational, multi-cultural ministry. He boldly proclaims a message that motivates and inspires Believers to step into their own personal greatness. He is known for his revelatory insights and Biblical interpretations that unlock the hidden truths in the Word of God. Isaac also travels throughout the country as a conference speaker and has been a guest on many television ministry programs. Graced with a gift and call for music, he is also a singer, songwriter, and producer, as well as the author of The Divine DNA: Your Identity with Divinity. He and his wife, Janet, currently reside in Texarkana, Texas. | A former educator and tireless champion for America's youth, Jacqueline Del Rosario was uniquely equipped to develop and implement hard-hitting programs that instilled the core values which lead youth to success. She reaches tens of thousands of youth with her powerful message, helping students find solutions to the tough issues they face. In addition to serving as President and CEO at Recapturing the Vision, Dr. Del Rosario is a leading advocate for Healthy Marriage formation and family strengthening. She has developed cutting-edge tools to enable couples to work through their problems and break generational cycles of dependency. She resides with her husband of 20 years and their two sons in Miami. | In January 2017, Johnny Taylor was part of a prayer group in Dalton, Georgia when a Bible belonging to one of the members began supernaturally producing oil. The oil was a modern day sign and wonder. Johnny was the speaker of the group that traveled across the country sharing the story and preaching the word of the Kingdom. The Lord has commissioned Johnny to encourage the church, awaken the giftings and callings in a sleeping body, and equip the Body of Christ to operate outside the four walls of the traditional church structure with the motto, "The Church has left the building..." Johnny and his wife, Leslie, live in Dalton, Georgia. | Kent Mattox is the senior pastor of Word Alive International Outreach. He and his wife, Bev, were first called into ministry in 1987, and served as associate pastors, missionaries, and evangelists, traveling to over 60 countries preaching the Gospel. The heart of Kent's message is radical grace and the freedom that comes through Jesus Christ. It is his desire to see every individual find the FREEDOM in Jesus Christ to fulfill their purpose and destiny within the Kingdom. He teaches the Word with great insight and practical application, and lives with his family in Oxford, Alabama. | Paul Wilbur has been preaching, teaching, and leading millions in worship for almost four decades. Millions have bought his albums or seen him lead worship in person, and hundreds of thousands have experienced his wit and Godly wisdom as a speaker/teacher. Paul is a best-selling, award-winning author, whose unique blend of insight discovered from worldwide travel and an intimate relationship with Jesus, and mixed with the grease of humor, make his talks engaging, insightful and transformative. Paul has over 620,000 followers on Facebook and has been on hundreds of television, radio, and print interviews as he has ministered in 75 nations. Paul is the co-host of "Together for Israel" on God TV. | Robert Heidler is the senior teacher at Glory of Zion and ministers internationally as an apostolic teacher. He has traveled and ministered extensively in the former Soviet Union and has taught at the Messianic Jewish Bible Institutes in Odessa, Ukraine; Moscow, Russia; and Budapest, Hungary. Robert ministers the Word through the Spirit's power to bring individuals into an experiential walk with the Lord that allows them to enter the fullness of their destiny in Christ. The goal of his ministry is to nurture revival in the Church worldwide. Robert and his wife, Linda, have been married for 49 years, have two sons and a daughter, and five grandchildren. | Worship:  | Schedule: April 9-12, 2020 Thursday: 7:00 PM Celebration Begins and Continues through 10 PM Friday and Saturday: 7:30 AM – 10 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM – Noon | | | | |  | | | | | |  | |