From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Who doesn't remember times in their life when everything suddenly seemed so hopeful with such good news abounding everywhere?
Bring back memories? How long ago was it since that last happened to you?
In this word through Steven Springer, you are about to find out why and HOW those seasons of HOPE and JOY suddenly appeared.
Angels on Assignment!
Read this word about the Passover week we have just entered. And read how the angels of God have been released to bring HOPE! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

This will be a firestorm outpouring, a Passover to remember! In Acts, 120 people were sheltered in an upper room, waiting until the wind, the fire, and power came, and when it came it changed everything. There was an open Heaven – a portal between Heaven and Earth. The harvest sickles were distributed to each one of the Believers and harvest began. So shall it be now – just think of the billions that will be saved because of God's selfless love! This season is a season of a release of great miracles as we observe "Passover" into our "cross over," and as God realigns hearts.
I believe we are on the brink of the greatest move of Holy Spirit. All of Heaven is getting ready.
In a dream, I actually saw the angel armies making themselves ready! In this dream, I was taken in the spirit into a room. The room was like a locker room, glistening bright and full of warring guardian angels preparing their armor, much like a football team before the big game. Some were polishing and adjusting their armor, some were pushing each other back and forth getting each other pumped up, while others were wielding their swords and still others were intensely focusing on the Lord and the game plan laid out for them.
There was a sense of excitement and gladness in the room! One angel said to me, with smile on his face, "We are about to blow your mind. We are about to release storms in the earth!" When he said this, I was concerned at what this might imply. He laughed, knowing my concern and said, "The storms we are stirring up will actually release HOPE, HEALING and HARVEST!"
Then all of the angels got up and stood in formation ready for battle. Then I saw a large hand proceed out of Heaven and plunge into the room; each of the angels climbed onto the hand. Then the hand pulled back out of the room, wound up and thrust the angels toward the earth.
As I stood there watching, I marveled at the size of the Lord's right hand and how I paled in comparison to its size and the speed the angels traveled. Like flashes of lightning they penetrated the atmosphere, and as they did, there were portals being opened all over the earth. Immediately, I saw angels ascending and descending, releasing these storms just like the angel said, "HOPE, HEALING, and HARVEST."
Hope is the absolute eager expectation of coming good.
The Lord is restoring hope to His people. Where hope has appeared to be deferred, the Lord is showing His hopefulness to those people who will believe in His goodness. There is a veil of doubt and unbelief that is being torn in the spirit so that the Bride of Christ can see the future and the hope set before her. There is grace and power given to you by Holy Spirit for hope to spring up. As hope arises from within you, you will become an ambassador of hope!
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'" (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT) (Photo via Unsplash)
"So it is impossible for God to lie for we know that His promise and His vow will never change! And now we have run into His heart to hide ourselves in His faithfulness. This is where we find His strength and comfort, for He empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time – an unshakable hope! We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God Himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat which sits in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold" (Hebrews 6:18-19 TPT)
"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13 NKJV)
There is a new wave of healing coming forth that will... (continue reading)