From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
When God puts us to work, how will we conduct ourselves?
Will we be great intercessors or will we be more "interstellar?"
Yes, but don't take my word for it. Read it here by Prophet Adam Thompson! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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Adam F. Thompson, Adelaide, South Australia
Scripture clearly tells us that God speaks to us in dreams and visions. The apostle Peter, quoting the book of Joel, tells us: "'And it shall be in the last days,' God says, 'that I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all mankind; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams'" (Acts 2:17 NASB). It is vital, therefore, that we have a foundational understanding of the Word in order to interpret the rhema voice of God in dreams and visions.
Dream of Being "Interstellar"
In the last week I had a vivid dream encounter where I was sitting in the huge auditorium of a church. Many of the people around me were individuals I knew from my Pentecostal background. It was unusual, even strange, for me to be in the congregation and not ministering on the podium. I saw it as being in a place of humility – something that God is bringing to His people's attention. There has never been a more strategic time to be emptied of self (1 Peter 5:6 NKJ). So here I was, five rows back from the podium, next to an older woman who I recognized as having a beautiful spirit.
I saw that Adrian Beale was ministering from the pulpit, laying hands on people who were going down in the Power. I was thinking, "Cool! Love what's happening!" Behind him on the platform was a group of leaders who were uncomfortable with what was happening. They were playing it down, reacting out of feelings of insecurity.
Then a beautiful woman came onto the platform and, from where I was sitting, I began to prophesy in a loud voice to her. But what I intended to speak came out differently. I meant to say that she was becoming an intercessor, but instead I heard myself saying, "It's a time when you're coming to a place of interstellar. You are called to be an interstellar." People began to laugh and mock me, including the leaders on the platform. I felt foolish and embarrassed, but the older woman sitting next to me said, "This is the true word of the Lord. Don't worry." I believe this older woman represents the Holy Spirit. (Photo via Unsplash)
At this point I came out of the dream encounter, puzzled by the word "interstellar." I'd heard of it, but I had to do a search to know that it meant a space or place between stars or solar systems. This "space" or realm is very dark and very cold. There's a parable in this. God speaks to us in parables – as did Jesus with His disciples – so that we will search out the mystery of them and be drawn into intimacy with Him.
Let me make it plain that what God showed me in this parable is... (continue reading)