From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a superb and encouraging word of the Lord through Candice Simmons.
You may recognize that Candice's husband, Brian Simmons, is the lead translator for The Passion Translation of the Bible (which I love)!
Let me tell you, though, Candice's revelation is second to none. And look at this quote by Candice from this article:
"In the midst of all of this chaos [of the coronavirus] I have had some of my best sleep in years. As a lover of God, I came to realize that we are up against a wall and all we can do is to run into His heart to be safe!"
Candice, I've been told, has seven dreams EVERY NIGHT. She is a walking, talking "revelation machine" and I mean that in the greatest, honoring way to her.
Please grab a cup of coffee and work your way through this word slowly...really taking in all of its rich and wise truths! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

We have been encouraged as we see the outpouring of love and radical acts of kindness coming from many of you. It's been amazing to see how people have pulled together to help one another and the sacrifices being made among those on the front lines. If you're one of those, we thank you! You know who you are!
I think the one big thing we're all learning during this time is to trust the Lord more fully – from shortages on toilet paper and hand sanitizer to more serious problems, such as the loss of precious friends and loved ones. And our hearts go out to you if you've lost a loved one. Brian and I are praying for those who have lost loved ones and those who are sick with this virus every day. We have received some amazing testimonies of healings, so we want to encourage you to join us in believing for more people to be healed. The Lord is still in the healing business. Even when you don't see it, He's working. I believe that He's using this time to awaken our hearts and draw us closer to Him.
Confusion never promotes peace, but in the midst of all that's happening in the world of COVID, we have an incredible hope – Jesus! He loves us. As my husband often says, Even if He were able to sleep, He would just stay up all night thinking about you. But He never slumbers or sleeps (Ps. 121:4) and He lives to intercede for us (Heb. 7:25). In fact, both the Son and Holy Spirit are interceding for us right now and the Father is answering, so we're in good shape and we WILL come through this.
It's Time to Wake Up!
A couple of nights ago, I had a dream in which I saw people throughout the nations who were watching their televisions. And as they were taking in all the negative reports of deaths and theories about the virus, I watched the enemy casting shrouds over them; shrouds that looked like webs. Immediately, I knew that they were webs of lies and defeat. The people became drowsy, as though they had been sedated, and instantly I knew that their minds were being poisoned with what they seen and heard. They were taking in the words of death.
As I looked on, I saw little children coming over to them ever so innocently. They would enter their homes and apartments and change their channels until they found something good to listen to. (Children can get away with it because of their innocence.) And as they did, one by one, the shrouds began to melt and slip off of them and I heard a booming voice shouting, "Wake up, wake up. It's time to wake up!"
The Lord is saying... (continue reading)