Hey, I noticed that you were interested in learning
How to Write Your Book... in Just Days. 
If you still want your free copy, just complete the form and I can send it right away:
www.donnapartow.com/write-now In this season, God is releasing
new mantles of authority...so He can flood the world with messages that change lives for His glory.
Is it possible that God wants you to FINALLY write that message...so you step into your
real mission? Or because it's time for your message to become a
If your answer is yes, I want to show you how to
Write Your Book in Just DAYS.
You heard me right.
You can write your book in just a matter of days. Not months, not weeks and definitely not years.
So if you've been dreaming of writing a book, listen up.
My name is Donna Partow. Back in October 1987, I was working as an investment banker when the stock market crashed. Not long afterward, the bank eliminated thousands of jobs.
They gave me 1 hour to empty my desk and leave the building. As I walked toward the train station with tears streaming down my face, I made a decision that changed my life forever.
I decided to finally write that book I'd been dreaming of. That simple decision launched my writing career. It also launched my international speaking ministry.
Since then, my books have sold more than 1.5 million copies. And writing books opened the door for me to minister in 40+ nations on six continents.
Now here's a crazy secret you might not know about me...I wrote my #1 best-selling book in just 5 days!
My books typically take a couple weeks to write. That's it!
In this free guide,
10 Steps to Write Your Book...in Just a Few Days, I show you my
exact system for writing books in a hurry.
So grab your copy and get writing:
www.donnapartow.com/write-now I pray you take this opportunity to finally write that book.
I pray it will change your life...just like writing my first book changed mine.
Donna Partow